AppArmor is security Linux kernel module similar to the SELinux but it's supposed to be easier to setup and maintain. There are many reasons for you to disable it, primary one is that its security features can get in the way of legitimate applications operation. In this article I am going to show you how to disable AppArmor from your Ubuntu based Linux distribution.
The thing is actually very simple. First we stop apparmor service using following command:
sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop |
Next thing to do is to disable this service from starting at boot time using Debian update-rc.d
sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove |
That's it, it was easy? Now feel free to enjoy your AppArmor free PC.
Thanx Much
Thank you for a great tip ^_^
This does not work with Ubuntu 14.10. The purge line destroys the install.
And the whole kubuntu desktop gone too.
Now what? Back to Ubuntu i guess
Great , test in Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS , thanks
Thanks for the tutorial.
Note, don’t forget to remove the apparmor commands from your /etc/default/grub file if these were set during the installation of the apparmor application. After changing the file execute the command update-grub to update the grub-loader.
The last purge line destroys Ubuntu 14 installs. Thanks for that!
That’s you just crashed my machine.
Do not follow above steps unless and until you know what you are doing.
Sorry to hear that but care is due when pasting commands from an article posted 5 years ago. Article text is updated with warning, because AppArmor clearly got much more integrated in last 9 versions since this article was first published.
Still usefull for Lubuntu when you want to simplify and make lightest older machine. Tested on Lubuntu 15.10
Will break your Ubuntu 14x -16x system and remove programs like php-fpm amongst others.
Just do this
apt-get remove apparmor apparmor-utils libapparmor-perl
That should do it.
Don’t remove the package as it will also remove lots of dependencies.
You should also be warned by the system. It will make you write a sentence before doing any harm. If you don’t get alarmed by this – go ahead