Category Archives: Linux
Bash script to generate list of events for Magento installation
When developing for Magento, there are two ways to modify code provided by other modules - doing rewrites and observing events. If appropriate event is available for observing, it is preferred to use second method to alter other module's behavior. More precisely it is preferred to observe event of your interest, and when this event occurs, to trigger execution of your own code. But how are you supposed to know the list of events that are available for observing on your Magento installation? If you're interested to find out answer to this question, take the red pill, and I'll show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Configuring BOSH support on a Prosody XMPP server
In my last article on this topic I brought a brief introduction into installing XMPP server Prosody on you Debian/Ubuntu based server. In this follow-up article I'll show you how to configure Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH) XMPP extension on Prosody XMPP server with the intention of creating XMPP powered web applications.
Send email from PHP inside local LAMP development environment
Very often when developing for web inside your LAMP environment you need to send emails using PHP. Configuring fully fledged email server on your Linux box is an option, although one I don't recommend. Life's too short to spend it configuring many mail transport agent of your choice configuration files just to check is your PHP application sending emails or not. In this article I'll show you how make your development environment capable of testing email sending features of your PHP applications in almost no time.
Customize default desktop environment settings for Gnome-centric Linux distributions
Some of you are probably wondering why would you want to spend your time fiddling with default desktop environment settings customization, when you can easily customize everything to your liking inside you own user account? Most probably you'd want to do this when you're re-mastering your favorite Linux distribution using tools like OS4 system imager (fork of the now discontinued Remastersys) or Relinux. In this article I'll show you how to handle this task elegantly using GSettings vendor overrides.