Due to current Gnome 3 and Unity madness I still use good old GNOME 2 based Linux operating systems like Centos 6 and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on all my machines. When I need productivity I put on my Clearlooks theme. Clearlooks is simple and elegant theme engine for GTK+ used by default by GNOME desktop environment version 2. This is theme that has been around for years and if you have GNOME 2 on your machine you most likely have Clearlooks theme. A few years ago I've noticed a little bug with Java based applications. Basically when you switch to Clearlooks theme your Java applications loose menu borders. In this article I'm bringing workaround for missing menu borders on Java applications with Clearlooks GTK+ 2 theme.
Proper way of implementing AJAX with jQuery in your WordPress plugins
AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is web programming technique used on client side to fetch data from server side without reloading page. In this article I will write about proper way of implementing AJAX with jQuery in your WordPress plugins. Ajax has been around in WordPress code for a while now so WordPress developers have prepared a few functions and techniques to make our life a bit easier so lets get started.
Debug Apache mod_rewrite by enabling logging feature
Mod_rewrite is Apache web server module that enables you to do behind scenes URL rewrite on your Apache powered web site. Using mod_rewrite you can make your site URL's user friendly and hide your site inner workings to increase security. Writing mod_rewrite rules requires some effort to master regular expressions and somewhat hairy mod_rewrite syntax. The whole process is much easier when you have insight to rewrite engine. In this article I'll show you how to debug Apache mod_rewrite by enabling logging feature while creating your rewrite rules.
Redirect and send "301 Moved Permanently" when permalink structure or slug has been changed WordPress plugin
Believe it or not but changing WordPress permalink structure can actually temporarily remove your site from Google index. Also changing single page slug can do the same for that page. By default WordPress doesn't forgive these kind of changes and following old permalinks would usually result in "404 Not Found". In this article I'm bringing you WordPress plugin that enables you to redirect old permalinks to new ones after changing permalink structure or slug. This WordPress plugin will also send "301 Moved Permanently" headers to search engines and that would instruct Google and others to change their search index.
Latest Oracle (Sun) Java JDK and JRE 6 on Ubuntu operating systems
Lets be honest, coding on Linux will probably include some Java based application like Eclipse or NetBeans. That's actually not a bad thing because we get to carry our development environment with us when using other proprietary operating systems. But since Oracle sliced "Operating System Distributor License for Java" and now nobody can legally host Java repository we have to install Java manually by downloading their JRE or JDK blob from Oracle servers. That isn't exactly hard thing to do but we don't want to give Oracle the pleasure of knowing that they made our already crowded day a little more complicated. So here I'm presenting work of excellent Debian packaging work by Janusz Dziemidowicz and a fellow open source enthusiast Martin Wimpress from Flexion.Org. These guys made it possible for us to create Java JDK 6 and JRE 6 deb packages and create local Java repository our selves.