In my last article on this topic I brought a brief introduction into installing XMPP server Prosody on you Debian/Ubuntu based server. In this follow-up article I'll show you how to configure Bidirectional-streams Over Synchronous HTTP (BOSH) XMPP extension on Prosody XMPP server with the intention of creating XMPP powered web applications.
Tag Archives: Debian
Customize default desktop environment settings for Gnome-centric Linux distributions
Some of you are probably wondering why would you want to spend your time fiddling with default desktop environment settings customization, when you can easily customize everything to your liking inside you own user account? Most probably you'd want to do this when you're re-mastering your favorite Linux distribution using tools like OS4 system imager (fork of the now discontinued Remastersys) or Relinux. In this article I'll show you how to handle this task elegantly using GSettings vendor overrides.
Install Oracle (Sun) Java JRE or JDK 7 on Debian, Ubuntu and LinuxMint
In one of my previous articles I've dealt with creating Oracle (Sun) Java 6 packages for your favorite Debian based distro. Since Oracle Java 7 has been out for a while now and it's code has matured to the point of OpenJDK 7 being default in recent Linux distributions, it seems reasonable to upgrade. In this article I'll show you how to create Oracle (Sun) Java JRE and JDK 7 packages using Janusz Dziemidowicz packaging work from Java 7 binary files you have downloaded your self.
Install Oracle (Sun) Java 6 on Debian, Ubuntu and LinuxMint revised
I've already wrote about installing latest Oracle (Sun) Java JDK and JRE 6 on Ubuntu based operating systems. In that article I wrote about BASH script used to download Oracle Java packages from Oracle servers and to create Debian packages. Unfortunately this script often fails due to Oracle web site changes and then you're supposed to wait for script developer to update his work or update it your self. In this article I'll show you how to create Oracle (Sun) Java 6 packages from Java 6 binary files you have downloaded your self. This procedure is using Janusz Dziemidowicz packaging work without any helper BASH scripts.
Install and configure Prosody XMPP (Jabber) server on Debian/Ubuntu Linux based operating system
I've been working on my Ajax chat system Quick Chat for WordPress for a while now. With Quick Chat I'm using technique called long polling to turn Apache Web server into chat server. This approach works fine most of the time when there aren't many concurrent chat users and server load is moderate. The reason for this is that Apache Web server is tuned for serving HTML. Better way of handling chat on your page is to install dedicated chat server software using XMPP (Jabber) protocol. This is protocol is used by big players like Gogole as well as Facebook for their chat services. XMPP is open protocol with many open source server and client implementations. In this article I will show you how to install and configure Prosody XMPP (Jabber) server on Debian/Ubuntu Linux based operating systems.