Recent Network Manager versions like Network Manager 0.9.1 from Ubuntu 11.10 and Network Manager 0.9.2 from Fedora 16 and aren't working well with both of my GSM mobile broadband modems, Huawei E220 and ZTE MF100. Actually this aren't first Network Manager version that refuse to work with the same hardware, there were some problems back in the good old Ubuntu 9.10 days. Because of that I had to learn managing my mobile broadband network connections without Network Manager. In this article I will do my best to point you in the right direction to managing your GSM mobile broadband connections from terminal without Network Manager on Ubuntu, Linux Mint and Debian based operating systems.
Tag Archives: Debian
Disable virtual CD-ROM drive with built in software on Huawei and ZTE GSM modem devices
Like many of you out there I use mobile broadband as my Internet connection. What bugs me the most is that annoying virtual CD-ROM drive that pops out every time I put my stick in my USB connector. The idea is that average user has all of its modem drivers (of course Windows only) nearby. What's the use for that thing on our beloved Linux boxes? I know one. We can have fun disabling this annoyance once and for all. In this article I'll show you how to use your your Linux PC to disable virtual CD-ROM drive with built in software on Huawei and ZTE GSM modem devices.
Disable and remove AppArmor on Ubuntu based Linux distributions
AppArmor is security Linux kernel module similar to the SELinux but it's supposed to be easier to setup and maintain. There are many reasons for you to disable it, primary one is that its security features can get in the way of legitimate applications operation. In this article I am going to show you how to disable AppArmor from your Ubuntu based Linux distribution.
Continue readingCompile upstream Linux kernel from on Ubuntu or Debian
In this article I will show you how to compile kernel from on Debian based operating systems like Ubuntu. If you talk to any Linux guru he will say that compiling upstream is something very complicated and reserved only for advanced users. That just isn't true. Nowadays to compile upstream kernel without excessive modification of default options all you need is some free time, because compilation process could take 30 to 60 minutes or longer depending on your PC characteristics. So lets get down to business...
Ubuntu disable/enable compiz when on battery/AC bash script
Last week I won an award from my college sponsor Končar Electrical Engineering Institute for my graduate work on the topic of creating an advanced web social networking system using open source technologies. I must express my gratitude to the fine people on my college who nominated me and to the Končar Electrical Engineering Institute for rewarding my effort. By the way, this social networking system is work in progress and when ready, I will set it up for testing because I value your feedback for my little projects like Quick Chat.
What did I do with my reward you ask? I bought myself a laptop. My laptop selection priorities were low price and Linux operating system compatibility. I have selected HP Compaq Presario CQ56 with Suse Enterprise Linux11 factory installed. It is really good laptop for the price and very Linux friendly if any of you Linux fans are on a Laptop hunt. I might post a review on this great piece of hardware when I find some available time. Yesterday I've installed Ubuntu Maverick on this laptop and everything works great. But when everything works great, we people usually go to the picky side and start inventing problems. So to create myself some work, I've given myself a task of creating script to turn Compiz off when on battery, and turn it back on when on AC. My goal was extending my shiny new battery life for a few minutes and have fun in the process of creating this script. So here it is...
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