In this article I will show you how to compile kernel from on Debian based operating systems like Ubuntu. If you talk to any Linux guru he will say that compiling upstream is something very complicated and reserved only for advanced users. That just isn't true. Nowadays to compile upstream kernel without excessive modification of default options all you need is some free time, because compilation process could take 30 to 60 minutes or longer depending on your PC characteristics. So lets get down to business...
Tag Archives: Linux
Enable Apache mod_rewrite on Ubuntu Linux system
Any LAMP (Linux Apache MySQL PHP) web development effort requires fully functional Linux web server. You can also develop using LAMP installation on other operating systems but that just isn't the real thing. The way I develop is by using Ubuntu LAMP local server I can play with without fear of cutting off hundreds of people from any public site just because I've typed colon instead semicolon somewhere in some php file. If you want to know how to setup Ubuntu Linux for your development work here's one of my earlier articles on that topic:
Ubuntu Netbeans and LAMP server with Xdebug as non-root user
In this article I will show you how to enable Apache mod_rewrite engine on your Ubuntu LAMP installation. This module is used by web administrators to "mask" their site URLs into the form they want users to see. This is done because it is not necessary or secure to expose your site innerworkings like GET parametars or scripts paths on your server.
Continue readingNetbeans 7.0 and "Cannot find java. Please use the -- jdkhome switch"
Why do I like coding in Netbeans IDE? I don't really know why, I just do. Don't get me wrong, I use Eclipse and it is a great tool but Netbeans and me go way back. But unfortunately there is a little hiccup with the latest Netbeans 7.0. Installing Netbeans while having OpenJDK results in Netbeans refusing to start with error message
"Cannot find java. Please use the --jdkhome switch"
when you try to start it with Sun (now Oracle) Java. The fix for this annoying bug (I guess we can call it bug) is rather trivial so read on.
Turn mouse acceleration off on Ubuntu or any other Linux PC
I must admit that I'm no gamer. Actually the only game I play occasionally is Urban Terror FPS. I don't want to spend those 15 minutes a month playing at the end of TAB key players list. Recently I've discovered that my gaming improves when I turn the mouse acceleration off. So lets talk about how to do this in Linux operating system. I'm not talking about gnome-mouse-properties because when you use GUI to turn the mouse acceleration off it doesn't really gets turned off, it is only reduced. In this article I will show you how to turn your mouse acceleration completely off. Follow me...
OpenSuse 11.4 Ralink RT3090 driver rpm packages
In one of my last articles I've wrote about excellent Ralink RT3090 Ubuntu driver PPA by Launchpad user Markus Heberling, thanks Markus for your work. Here is the link to this article:
Wireless network Ralink RT3090 Ubuntu driver PPA
Recently I've had to use OpenSuse 11.4 on a laptop with RT3090 wireless network adapter. On OpenSuse you are left with open source drivers that work great but not as good as Ralink proprietary drivers. In this article I'm bringing you OpenSuse 11.04 rpm packages with Ralink RT3090 proprietary wireless driver for 32-bit architecture. I'm also providing OpenSuse src.rpm packages you can use to rebuild this driver package for your kernel architecture or kernel version. For this packages I've backported all Markus Heberling Ralink rt3090 driver patches from his Ubuntu RT3090 PPA.
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