This is that time of the year when Cannonical drops its autumn Linux based operating system package on our desks. I will not waste my keyboard buttons on the latest Ubuntu image because I believe I wrote everything in one of my previous encounters with Unity (like this one and this one). Instead I'll review the latest Lubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal featuring LXDE environment on top of Linux 3.5 kernel.
Tag Archives: review
Xubuntu 12.04, Lubuntu 12.04 and Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin review
Long term release of Ubuntu with version number 12.04 and code name Precise Pangolin has been released a few days ago. It brings the evolution of Canonicals Unity desktop environment as well as Linux Kernel version 3.2 and fresh set of applications in official repository. At the beginning of this article I must point out that at the time Ubuntu 12.04 had been released all machines I use were powered by Gnome 2 operating systems like Ubuntu 10.04 or CentOS 6.2. The reason for this conservative approach is that I choose my software based on the level of productivity it allows me to reach. From my experience using current Linux desktop environments like Unity and Gnome 3 could be considered as productivity suicide. In this article I will review latest offering from Canonical in the form of Ubuntu 12.04 with Unity, Xubuntu 12.04 with Xfce and Lubuntu 12.04 with LXDE. I'll leave KDE Ubuntu flavor Kubuntu out of this review because although feature packed it is usually too buggy to be taken seriously.