Tag Archives: Ubuntu

Lubuntu change fonts DPI when using proprietary Nvidia driver

Nvidia LogoRecently during my Lubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal review I've noticed that after installing proprietary Nvidia driver my fonts were a little too small. Since I've discovered the problem was in fonts DPI value, in this article I'll show you how to specify your fonts DPI manually inside your xorg.conf.

Proprietary Nvidia drivers are smart enough to access your monitor EDID to detect it's panel DPI settings. Unfortunately that DPI makes my fonts too small because I like my fonts at standard 96 DPI. Most desktop environments come with GUI tool where you can specify your font size and DPI. LXDE from Lubuntu unfortunately doesn't have this tool so you must specify your fonts DPI manually inside your xorg.conf.

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Lubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal review

Lubuntu Quantal Quetzal CD WalletThis is that time of the year when Cannonical drops its autumn Linux based operating system package on our desks. I will not waste my keyboard buttons on the latest Ubuntu image because I believe I wrote everything in one of my previous encounters with Unity (like this one and this one). Instead I'll review the latest Lubuntu 12.10 Quantal Quetzal featuring LXDE environment on top of Linux 3.5 kernel.

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Change serif, sans-serif and monospace generic font families mapping on Linux operating system

Ubuntu Font FamilyDifferent Linux distributions map different fonts to generic font families like serif, sans-serif and monospace and thats fine. Unfortunately as a web developer I need those families consistent on all my machines and as similar as possible to generic font families mapping my code users have. Because of that the first thing I do when I decide to keep Linux distribution around is to configure serif, sans-serif and monospace generic font families mapping.

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Install Oracle (Sun) Java 6 on Debian, Ubuntu and LinuxMint revised

Java Logo I've already wrote about installing latest Oracle (Sun) Java JDK and JRE 6 on Ubuntu based operating systems. In that article I wrote about BASH script used to download Oracle Java packages from Oracle servers and to create Debian packages. Unfortunately this script often fails due to Oracle web site changes and then you're supposed to wait for script developer to update his work or update it your self. In this article I'll show you how to create Oracle (Sun) Java 6 packages from Java 6 binary files you have downloaded your self. This procedure is using Janusz Dziemidowicz packaging work without any helper BASH scripts.

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