Even though I'm in love with the platform, as it turns out, I tend to blog about Magento bugs quite often. I like to believe this is a good thing, because besides helping other Magento developers, finding and fixing bugs makes our favorite ecommerce platform better. It has nothing to do with frustration couple of days debugging session can cause, I ensure you. In this article I'm about to explain and provide workaround for bug affecting all Magento versions (including latest Magento CE at the time of writing), one that's causing catalog price rules not being applied to final price and totals not getting calculated correctly when creating orders from Magento admin, all this under specific and hard to reproduce circumstances. Honestly, this is probably the ugliest bug I've ever seen in my coding career, largely due to fact that client's bug report is usually that catalog price rules prices revert when creating orders from Magento admin, but only sometimes and without any pattern.
Tag Archives: Web
Create a custom layered navigation filter for filtering sale products in Magento
Retail store project I'm currently involved with heavily relies on Magento catalog price rules to offer pre-cart discounts on selected articles. Even though Magento CatalogRule module does most heavy lifting when it comes to placing products on sale, code allowing logical organization and filtering for sale products at store frontend is left to the solution provider's imagination. In this article I'll cover the filtering part of this scenario, specifically how to make it possible for customer to filter sale and not on sale products while browsing category view pages. There are couple of ways to tackle this problem, with creating custom layered navigation filter being probably the most logical approach.
How to hide that you are using WordPress aka debranding WordPress
I like WordPress, really I do. I use it whenever possible to make my products path to my clients short and enjoyable. There's just one thing that pokes me in the eye whenever I need to deliver my project. WordPress developers have created greatest CMS ever conceived. They did that free of charge and the community is very grateful for all they've done, but do they really need to stick WordPress name and logo everywhere? Actually I already tried to remedy this situation inside one of my earlier articles. In this article I'll show you a few more tricks to remove some of WordPress branding from WordPress user interface.
Should you install Disqus commenting service on your blog or web site?
According to Wikipedia Disqus is an online discussion and commenting service for websites and online communities that uses a networked platform. What this means is that if you have a web site you can let Disqus handle your site commenting features by including their code or plugin for your blogging platform into your site. In this article I will review the idea of using Disqus to power your site discussion forums, but with special emphasis on the blogs and sites writing about open source technologies.
Add TinyMCE and Quicktags visual editors to WordPress comments form
At WordPress powered site backend you have these great Javascript visual text editors TinyMCE (Visual) and Quicktags (HTML/Text). Wouldn't it be great to bring those two to your WordPress blog or site frontend to be used inside our comments form? Sounds great so lets proceed. In this article I'll present two ways how to integrate TinyMCE and Quicktags visual editors into your WordPress comment system.
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