Quick Chat


Quick Chat is released under GPLv2 license.

Quick Chat Demo



WordPress has given a lot to the Linux community and to me personally so I've decided to give something back by making WordPress plugin for all of us to use. We all like to chat so I've decided to extend WordPress with quick and lightweight Ajax chat plugin. I've also decided to name this WordPress plugin "Quick Chat".


Here are some of the features of Quick Chat WordPress chat plugin:

  • New in v4.10: Implement automatic private messages and chat rooms daily cleanup using WordPress cron API
  • Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
  • Add feature to configure which WordPress user role has Quick Chat moderator capability
  • Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Chat update (See FAQ for more)
  • Supports Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to chat nicknames
  • You can set timeout for disabling updates to inactive user
  • Supports multiple private 1 on 1 chat sessions
  • Can filter bad words from your chat rooms
  • Admin users can easily download chat room transcripts
  • Besides gravatar.com avatars, local avatar plugins are also supported
  • Includes admin dashboard widget to chat with other admin users from your site backend
  • Has message input box character counter to limit message size
  • Allows admin users to instantly ban chat participant IP from chat
  • Has chat participants list for both sidebar and embedded chat
  • Site registered users can have their chat nicknames reserved
  • Site admins can reserve additional list of chat nicknames
  • Supports incoming messages sound notification for modern browsers
  • Supports unlimited number of separate chat rooms
  • User interface is translation friendly (translation template, Croatian, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Estonian, French, Finnish and Welsh (some partial) translation files provided)
  • Integrates with WordPress user accounts to use login name as chat nickname
  • Comes with quality set of emoticons to spice up your chat experience
  • Saves your website bandwidth by sending AJAX requests only when there are new messages


  • PHP 5
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.3
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.6
  • Current version: Quick Chat 4.13


You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Chat WordPress.org installation page.


You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Chat WordPress.org FAQ page.


You can find up to date change log on Quick Chat WordPress.org changelog page.

Your donations

Quick Chat is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Chat free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Your feedback

Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using Contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.

Quick Chat stable version

Quick Chat is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:

DOWNLOAD Quick Chat 4.13 from WordPress.org

Quick Chat next version

If you have time and want to help making Quick Chat better you can test Quick Chat testing versions on your server and post feedback. Quick Chat version posted here will be uploaded to WordPress.org once it is reasonably stable.

Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.

Quick Chat old versions

If latest Quick Chat version isn't working for you, here you can find download links to some of the older Quick Chat versions. I recommend that you use latest version if possible:


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1,481 thoughts on “Quick Chat

  1. Allan

    I love the simplicity of it.
    But of course, I was wondering about one option I can’t seem to find.
    I’d like to make the chats go in the other direction, from bottom to top, instead of from top to bottom. Do you have a tip on how I might be able to do so?
    Thanks very much for this wonderful software.

  2. chicago

    Perfect for small sites the people know each other, or just want to chatter with each other on and off. It’s history is always there, and you can moderate it. 🙂 easy to use! Simple in design, and removes the complexity of others chats designed for corporate uses.

  3. Brad

    I have installed Quick Chat and used shortcode on a page for Chat. How do we moderate the chat room, I don’t see that is done. In settings there are user options for WordPress roles to moderate but I don’t admin as one of the roles.



  4. TE5LA

    Not sure why this is called “Quick Chat”. It slows my website down to a crawl with only one person logged in. Messages take 15 seconds to become visible. Maybe it’s the theme I use or something, not sure. I’m using it in the sidebar from the widget.

  5. Peter

    I’m trying to add in Quick Chat a “user is typing” function, but i’m not a professional and it would be greatful if someone could help to integrate this function to Quick Chat.

    How it should work:
    when my chat partner (user1) starts typing I see in my chat box: “user1 is typing”

    when I (user2) am typing he sees in his chat box: “user2 is typing”.

    The following code should be work, but i dont know how to integrate:

    var timer = 0;
    function reduceTimer(){
    timer = timer - 1;
    function isTyping(val){
    if(val == 'true'){
    document.getElementById('typing_on').innerHTML = "User is typing...";

    if(timer <= 0){
    document.getElementById('typing_on').innerHTML = "No one is typing -blank space.";

    No one is typing - blank speace.

    Could someone help me? That would be a great function for Quick Chat.

  6. Johann

    Hi can someone help me. I want to know how i can change the background color from the standard white to a custom color within a page. or if anyone can help me with css coding to do it.

    1. Maurizio

      Hi Johann,
      you have to change this CSS property adding the background

      div.quick-chat-container {
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;
      background: red; /*color you need */
      bye from Italy

  7. jeffrey

    Telsa you can change that in the settings on how quick the chat goes but there must be a pause or else you will be so bogged down you cant send messages. I have used other plugins that do that and it is a pain!

  8. Johann

    Hi Marko
    Great plugin.
    Is it possible to have some form of push notification or rss feed or some way for people in the chat get notified on a mobile device that there is a new message without having to be within the website.
    Keep up the good work.

  9. Jignesh Huskerit


    I want to override function of quick_chat.php In my theme functions.php
    file … please tell me how to do that

    add_action( ‘wp_ajax_quick-chat-ajax-update-messages’, array($this, ‘update_messages_ajax_handler’));

    I want to customize function “update_messages_ajax_handler”

  10. Wendy Kirkland

    I am looking for chat for subscribing members for perhaps 500 chatters. I’ve read that just a few chatters will slow down the computer. This WordPress plug-in doesn’t sound like it will work or me or am I missing something? Also is there a way to exclude visitors who haven’t paid a subscription fee?

  11. William H. Gould

    The information I’ve read on this plugin says it is set to occupy 100% of the width available. However, I just increased the width of my sidebar from 125 px to 200 px and everything in the sidebar adjust width except Quick Chat. I don’t see any other way to increase width. It would be nice to have that feature in settings along with ability to adjust height which is all ready there.

    Otherwise it’s a great plugin.

  12. andy

    Greetings. I was wondering if there is anyway to “force” a user to put in a chat name or handle. When I leave the default user name blank it still creates a guest_8765 etc

  13. MasterCleanseIntructions

    Hello Marko,

    Thank you for making a solid chat box platform. I’m getting bombed by some outside f’s who have some script in which they’re constantly posting to my QuickChat plugging their site. When I click on “Ban” the pop up states I need to select one or more to do so. Problem is I did select one or in most cases all of them… but nothing happens. Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance,


  14. vcewvvffr

    It doesn’t work in Workpress 4.5 for me. I cant send and receive messages. Does anyone have same problem?

  15. Rhedo

    hey, i was wondering that is quick chat have any fiture that before start chatting, they do log in first by their email?

    thanks anyway.

  16. Sujan Shrestha

    Firstly thank for this Awesome plugin in free. I’ve successfully fully integrate you plugin and it’s work nice. One thing I can’t change it. In chat section while register user name does not display, its display just username. For example i’ve sujan338 is username and my display name is Sujan Shrestha. In chat section it display sujan338 not Sujan Shrestha.. I want Sujan shrestha . Can you help for this… hope you reply me

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Mr. Glenn,
      since Quick Chat use single messages table without any specific adjustments for multisite, that should work out the box. But you must have the same chat id attribute on widgets/shortcodes on both websites, but this is the same as if you would show the same chat room in multiple places on one website. Hope this helps.


        1. Marko Author

          Hi Glenn,
          in that case, that’s surely possible but Quick Chat code needs a little push to get you there. You need to find “a guy”, or you can use contact form if you’re interested in commercial support from me.


    1. Marko Author

      Hi Fee,
      these days Quick Chat is sort of stable with feature it currently has, that’s why there aren’t any new releases. If it works well here on the demo page, the issue with Firefox probably happens due to combination of Javascript you have on your pages. This can usually be fixed relatively quickly, if you’re interested in help from me, just hit the contact link top right but also anyone else doing WP development and Javascript should be able to assist.


  17. john

    I’ve run into a problem with positioning quickchat after a change in global page size in a Udesign theme. Chat is inserted in a left hand side bar. I increased global page size to 1200 (was 900 where it was positioned in the just fine). After the increase to 1200 the chat section is off the screen and barely visible. I also tried to override the global position but it doesn’t make any difference. what do you suggest. page is located http://alpaca.net/barn_cam/

  18. Nelson

    Hello dear Mark,
    Thanks a lot for the plugin, its been very helpful.
    Could you please guide me about: How could I eliminate the line break in the “Messages Container”, so the User name – timestamp and Message appear on 1 or 2 lines, and not in 3 different lines?
    Thanks a lot!

  19. fdbhzx

    Hello. Is this plugin actual now?
    Would you update it and improve?
    For future features it will be possible to make easy to edit styles of chat.

  20. Stoebi

    Thx for your plugin

    I as Admin or Registered would like to edit my “shouts”, please.
    Because lot of typos. 🙁 – Sorry for my terrible english.

    Regards, Stoebi

  21. Bamidele

    Hi, I judt installed quick chat, checked the settings in my wordpress dashboard but i dont know how i can start using it (how can guests register, where do they find quick chat on my website, etc.
    Thanks a million


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