Quick Chat


Quick Chat is released under GPLv2 license.

Quick Chat Demo



WordPress has given a lot to the Linux community and to me personally so I've decided to give something back by making WordPress plugin for all of us to use. We all like to chat so I've decided to extend WordPress with quick and lightweight Ajax chat plugin. I've also decided to name this WordPress plugin "Quick Chat".


Here are some of the features of Quick Chat WordPress chat plugin:

  • New in v4.10: Implement automatic private messages and chat rooms daily cleanup using WordPress cron API
  • Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
  • Add feature to configure which WordPress user role has Quick Chat moderator capability
  • Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Chat update (See FAQ for more)
  • Supports Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to chat nicknames
  • You can set timeout for disabling updates to inactive user
  • Supports multiple private 1 on 1 chat sessions
  • Can filter bad words from your chat rooms
  • Admin users can easily download chat room transcripts
  • Besides gravatar.com avatars, local avatar plugins are also supported
  • Includes admin dashboard widget to chat with other admin users from your site backend
  • Has message input box character counter to limit message size
  • Allows admin users to instantly ban chat participant IP from chat
  • Has chat participants list for both sidebar and embedded chat
  • Site registered users can have their chat nicknames reserved
  • Site admins can reserve additional list of chat nicknames
  • Supports incoming messages sound notification for modern browsers
  • Supports unlimited number of separate chat rooms
  • User interface is translation friendly (translation template, Croatian, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Estonian, French, Finnish and Welsh (some partial) translation files provided)
  • Integrates with WordPress user accounts to use login name as chat nickname
  • Comes with quality set of emoticons to spice up your chat experience
  • Saves your website bandwidth by sending AJAX requests only when there are new messages


  • PHP 5
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.3
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.6
  • Current version: Quick Chat 4.13


You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Chat WordPress.org installation page.


You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Chat WordPress.org FAQ page.


You can find up to date change log on Quick Chat WordPress.org changelog page.

Your donations

Quick Chat is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Chat free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Your feedback

Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using Contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.

Quick Chat stable version

Quick Chat is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:

DOWNLOAD Quick Chat 4.13 from WordPress.org

Quick Chat next version

If you have time and want to help making Quick Chat better you can test Quick Chat testing versions on your server and post feedback. Quick Chat version posted here will be uploaded to WordPress.org once it is reasonably stable.

Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.

Quick Chat old versions

If latest Quick Chat version isn't working for you, here you can find download links to some of the older Quick Chat versions. I recommend that you use latest version if possible:


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1,481 thoughts on “Quick Chat

  1. Jamie

    Hi Marko,

    We seem to have a problem with timestamps similar to what’s been mentioned above. All timestamps are 1 hour ahead.

    I’ve installed the plugin on two WP installs. The live one has had a Caching Plugin which I’ve deleted but the test install has never had this.

    Under settings, the timezone (London) is correct and the time given next to the box for UTC and Local time are both right. I’ll email my host and ask them to check but otherwise I’m left scratching my head!

    Any other ideas? Everything else is fantastic!!


    1. Marko Author

      Hello Jamie,
      I’m sad to hear about troubles, what about posts timestamps and time inside Settings -> General -> Time format on the server with wrong Quick Chat timestamps? There is a preview of time and date there Is this showing good time ? The time is calculated from database time and time offset reported by WordPress. The server might be in different time zone than database server or incorrectly configured? As a quick fix I can send you QC version that shows 1 hour less? That’s not the solution for the real problem though.

      Edit for everyone with this problem: To make manual offset just replace $quick_chat_gmt_offset = get_option('gmt_offset'); line from quick-chat.php with $quick_chat_gmt_offset = get_option('gmt_offset')-1;. -1 will make Quick Chat show one hour less for every timestamp. Instead of -1 you can put +/- your desired offset. I plan to put admin option for additional offset in the next version so we could circumvent this type of server related problems.

      1. ericjt

        I wrote before. Yesterday the time stamp was off six hours, today it is off seven hours (earlier than it really is). The General setting for time gives a correct time example.

      2. ericjt

        This doesn’t work for anyone visiting my site outside of my time zone. It shows my time everywhere. I had a friend test it from another time zone. I’ve removed the time stamp completely for now. Just has the date, but it’s my date. This still seems the date could be obtained in a different way.

        1. Marko Author

          Fetching time must go trough server for several reasons.

          1. We need to format time and date display according to settings inside WP dashboard. This is done using built in WP functions on the server side
          2. We can’t trust time obtained from the clients browser because users own clock could be wrong and that’s something we have no control of.

          If you know how to work around this obstacles I would be happy to place your code inside Quick Chat along with attribution for your time and effort.


          1. ericjt

            Using a fixed time stamp would make the visitor from a different time zone think my post was done at a different time of day rather than now. If I post at 1:15 and he is reading at 3:16 his time he will think I posted two hours ago and probably not bother to reply or engage. Using the visitors computer clock, even if inaccurate, would at least let him think I posted a minute ago his time rather than two hours and a minute ago. Yet I don’t know if your chat plugin will show my time zone stamp for my entries and his for his entries, and if so that would be equally useless. I haven’t looked a many chat rooms but I think it’s critical to see all messages time stamps show as if in the reader’s time zone.

            1. ericjt

              Here’s another idea: instead of a time stamp, insert “20 seconds ago” or “2 minutes ago” if that is possible, reset every time it refreshes.

  2. JVonD

    I love the chat and can’t wait to implement it. There seems to be a glitch on my Quick Chat. Check it out and let me know if you have a solution please. Seems the gestures are making “undefined” entries that keep repeating. Any suggestions?
    Thanks a bunch! ~J

      1. PAD Design

        Hello Foreclosure Pets, i visit your site to check out the chat design but i cant find the chat. Just let me know where i can see them and i will help you to modify the chat design.

  3. jaapo

    Hi, thanks for great plugin,
    Was wondering if you can make it so that users can minimize or close the chatbox if they dont want to see it?

    1. Marko Author

      Hi this is interesting but it would need to be designed and implemented to Quick Chat code. I’m ill and not able to do it right now but I might do it one day, thanks for the idea!

      My best regards!

    1. Marko Author

      Hello your site has some javascript warnings please take a look with your browser console or Firebug and you’ll see warnings that need to be corrected. Also your theme is loading older jQuery version that can mess all other plugins that require newer jQuery. You will need to modify it to use WP provided jQuery not he one it is bundled with, not hard but you need to know a bit of php and WordPress.

  4. Claudio

    Hi Mark,
    I follow all simply steps but if I write anything and click SEND button the text remain there and no actions succedeed. If I disable the SEND button if I press ENTER after writing something I receive a next line cursor.
    Please help me
    Than you

  5. kohde

    Everything is OKE on mySite but it’s Cannot load CUSTOM GRAVATAR, it’s shown as anonymous image GRAVATAR (gray thumbnail photo) like that demo, not my custom GRAVATAR. Please check it out and update this plug in, pleeeeease.

    1. Marko Author

      Hello QC supports gravatar.com avatars, and this is default WordPress avatar support. Any other custom avatar plugin would need to be specifically supported to be used for gravatars or I might find some way around it one day cheers!

  6. FanaticWeb

    First of all, GREAT Plugin!

    Is there any way we can pull the images from the User Photo plugin? My users dont use Gravatar, yet we allow them to upload their photos using “User Photo” plugin, any way we can point Quick Chat to fetch the user’s photo?

    One other thing, I’m using the Role Manager plugin, I have Contributors set by default and “Buyers” role (which is pretty much similar to Guests role) any way I can custom the css based on the role pulled from the Role Manager plugin?

    1. Marko Author

      Hi my friend,
      all you need is possible but it would be needed to add specific code to support User Photo plugin and Role Manager plugin by someone who knows a bit about Quick Chat and those plugins inner workings.

  7. kevin

    I removed wp-supercache, but the chat this does not seem to work on my site, you have to refresh the page to see what you or anyone else entered. It is not realtime. Any suggestions or any plans in the future to make sure no server caching programs interfere?

    1. Marko Author

      QC isn’t compatible with chating plugins because it is very complicated as is without having to add code just to work around caching plugins. I will do it one day but I’ll probably start from scratch to do it.

      As for chat not working please make sure that your theme or some of the plugins isn’t loading older jQuery version instead of your WP provided one because in 99% of cases this is what brakes Quick Chat. If some plugin or theme has bundled older that 1.44 jQuery version in one of its folders that is what breaks Quick Chat.


  8. salman

    Hi.. Hope you are doing well now?
    Just wanted to ask 2 question :-
    1) Will you publish the private messaging?
    2) Is there a possibility to embed different rooms in a single chat instance.
    Meaning .. I want to use only one [quick-chat] short code with multiple room-names and while rendering the UI, it will show all the given room names in the single chat UI. Users can click/select the rooms to switch between rooms.
    One user should be able to be present in only one room at a time.

    1. Marko Author

      Hello salman thanks for asking, I’ve been better and I’ve been worse 😉

      As for private chat yes I plan to publish it it just needs some of my work to really work great. I was working on it a lot this summer and got tired of it and left it on standby and now I’m not sure when or how but I’ll finish it because it isn’t a lot of work.

      As for the other suggestion it is possible and I see advantages of that approach but again it needs a lot of work to be implemented. I can’t take a bite of that size right now but one day I’ll explore that option.


  9. Marko Author

    Hello dear Quick Chat users,
    I’m fighting this health issues of mine so I’ll try to answer some Quick Chat questions and emails because I’m tired of resting, doctors tests and medications and want to do some of my usual Linux and web related stuff as much as I’m able to 😉 But there are so many comments and emails so I probably won’t be able to answer all, I apologize for that.

    My best regards to you all!

  10. Hein

    Hi Marko, how do I set the timezone for Quick Chat to use? I need to set it to display South Africa Time Zone = GMT+2. Please advise? Thanks in advance. Hein

    1. Marko Author

      Hello, Quick Chat takes time zone settings from your WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> General. Also you can manually set additional time zone offset using WordPress Dashboard -> Settings -> Quick Chat -> Appearance options -> Manual timestamp offset when displaying messages (since version 2.40).


    1. Marko Author

      for now you can’t limit malicious user from entering long message into message box. That is an oversight on my part and I’ll correct it in the first next version. As for preventing malicious user entering many messages in short period of time I haven’t found reasonable solution that wouldn’t cripple real time functionality of chat but I’ll work on that in the future. Currently I’m kind of ill but as soon as I get better 😉


  11. marogiannis

    I have just installed Quick Chat in a wordpress. Almost everything is working fine.
    The Admins can chat, however no other user can do this. !!
    Also, the avatars are not showing.
    Have I not configured something correctly?

    Best regards

    1. Marko Author

      Hello most probably chat is working for admins only because you have some of the caching plugins that cache pages for non admin users and QC isn’t yet compatible with caching plugins. For avatars for now Quick Chat supports default WordPress avatars from gravatar.com (no support for user photo type of plugins).


      1. marogiannis

        Thank you very much for that !!!
        I am not using any caching plugin at this point. It must be something else… or possible another plugin not compatible.
        Thanks again !!!

        1. Marko Author

          In that case this is the list of plugins that have some compatibility issues with QC so you can check it out:

          S2 member
          Simple Press
          WP minify,
          WP Super Cache
          W3 Total Cache

          Also you can post your page link or send it to me using contact form so I could check it out using Firebug when I’m able to do so 😉 Good luck!

    1. Marko Author

      I simply forgot to implement it. It’ll probably be in the next version. For now you can simply replace line from quick-chat.php from:

      $_POST['message'] = wp_kses(trim(stripslashes($_POST['message'])),'');


      $_POST['message'] = wp_kses(trim(stripslashes(substr($_POST['message'], 0, 500))),'');

      where 500 is maximum number of characters. You can use search capabilities of your text editor to find the line (in Quick Chat 2.41 it is line number 648).


      1. Louis

        Hi Marko,

        First off, this plugin deserves 5 stars rating. It is the best out there!

        I have 2 suggestions, and I hope you’ll consider implementing them on your next version.

        1) If you’re going to implement max characters, I think it would be really helpful if you could also add the character countdown counter to it.

        2) It would be really nice if you could implement the local Avatar functionality in the upcoming version as well.

        Thanks in advance.


        1. Marko Author

          Hi Louis,
          thanks for your words 😉 For max characters counter I’ll see what can be done. As for local avatar support this would require a rewriting a lot of code and it would slow the performance one notch down so I’m not sure will it be in the next version. Gravatar.com is better solution if you as me and it isn’t necessary to consult database or use php to retrieve image (better performance because I can do it using Javascript on the fly). This is the reason it is supported by Quick Chat.

          1. Louis


            I understand where you’re coming from. I suggested 2 features above only after I saw one of the posters ( solitary1510) mentioned something about max characters in his/her comments. While I think that’s a good idea, but I think it’s better if you can implement max character as a setting option so that the Admin can set the number as he/she desires. If this can be implemented then the characters counter would just be an addon, it gives the chatter an idea where they’re at in there typing without saying anything or messages as solitary1510 mentioned above.

            As far as the local Avatar goes, I’m not sure if you’re using any plugin for that, but I’m using a plugin called “Avatar”, hence, I was just wondering if your code somehow can hook into it and grab the image that plugin (Avatar) uploaded. If it’s possible, maybe an ‘if-else’ conditions of some sort to say that if QC found an existing install of Avatar then grab the uploaded image or else default back to Gravatar.com.

            Just a thought!


            1. Marko Author

              As for character counter that’s definitely doable and I’ll probably place it into next version. I just have to find a good place in chat user interface for it?

              For avatar this is the deal. Quick Chat is chat applications and they are especially heavy on the server because they need to constantly check for new messages. Because of that I’m trying to transfer as much work as possible from server (php) to client (Javascript). Fetching gravatar.com gravatars is easy to do with Javascript. Fetching avatars from avatar plugins must be done in the loop for every message on the server side (php). That’s what stopped me from supporting anything except gravatar.com avatars. But I actually have some ideas how to deal with this and I’ll probably work on it for the next version.

              Best regards,

          2. Louis

            The idea of QC working in conjunction with Avatar plugin is so that your plugin doesn’t actually have to do the “dirty work” of uploading and importing images into the system.

            Again, just a thought.


    1. Marko Author

      Hello David,
      I’ll copy/paste two Q&A from Quick Chat FAQ (http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/quick-chat/faq/):

      Q: How do I configure Quick Chat Gravatar support with my Quick Chat embedded using shortcode?

      A: When using embedded chat you use “gravatars” shortcode attribute whose value can be “0” to hide gravatars or “1” to show them (default value). “gravatar_size” shortcode attribute is used to control the size of gravatars in pixels (32px is default). So to display Quick Chat with 48×48 px high gravatars you would use [quick-chat gravatars="1" gravatars_size="48"] shortcode.

      Q: How do I configure Quick Chat Gravatar support with my Quick Chat sidebar widget?

      A: When using sidebar widget you can control your Quick Chat widget settings on ’Appearance’ -> ’Widgets’ page inside WordPress admin dashboard. There you can control are gravatars enabled (default) or not and the size of gravatars (default is 32px).

      Best regards!

    1. Marko Author

      Hello Jeff,
      currently Quick Chat isn’t compatible with caching plugins like W3 Total Cache you have installed and that is the reason it isn’t working.


  12. David Ramirez

    Hello, I really like your plugin. I have a question /suggestion. I want to configure the widget where it is not visible to anyone tht is not logged in. One of the default settings is to not allow the “use” of the widget if the user is not logged in…but I want to remove the vsibility as well.

    I figure I can use the [quick-chat] shortcode in my page and post templates…and enclose it in a conditional if_user_is logged_in… this should make the option of not allowing the view if the shortcode is present kick in…but it feels kludgey….do you have a better workaround?

  13. Reynald

    hello,WONDERFULL plugin but i don’t know if it’s coming from my hoster but the chatbox is a little bit slower to show message (about 4 sec to show new messages !!!)
    thx again for this great piece of work

    1. Marko Author

      yes usually it is your hoster performance capabilities. You could try upping messages and user refresh intervals so that might free some of your servers resources so things might improve.


    1. Marko Author

      Hi “Fake”,
      unfortunately not possible right now. In the future who knows. Quick Chat is open source GPLv2 license so you can add this future if you have some spare time and knowledge 😉


  14. jon taylor

    Firstly might I say , this is the best chat solution iv have come across for wordpress , top job. One thing that nags me though , Is i have quite a busy chat, and it does seem to slow down loading due to the number of chat messages previously posted. I know I can select them all and delete , but is there a chance of having an auto trim , so messages older than 24hours for example can be auto deleted. ?

    1. Marko Author

      Hi jon, thanks for your words it means a lot to me. Inside Quick Chat admin options you’ll find “Keep total number of messages inside every chat room automatically around this value” option. Here you enter number and Quick Chat will keep number of messages in each chat room around this value in a way that older messages will be automatically deleted. So if you put 300 here, number of messages in every chat room will bee kept around 300. Also if you really like Quick Chat and can afford it you can also donate. If you can’t afford it just enjoy Quick Chat and thats reward enough 😉


  15. Jason Lewis

    Hi Marko,

    Quick chat looks like it’s the answer that we have been needing. However we have one issue.

    We are using it on 17 different sites in a WP Multi-Site install. Our server was crashing on our most important day (Sunday) and our server admin stated that /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php was being called so much that it was putting a huge load on the server. Is that Quick Chat calling that file? If so, is there a way to cut down on the server load with so many clients using it on WP Multi-Site?

    If we can get this fixed I plan on making my first ever donation. This plugin is great!


    1. Marko Author

      Hi Jason. The nature of chat is that it needs to fetch new messages from server frequently. Who wants to chat and have his message appear an hour later 🙂 Because of that chat applications are not picnic for your web server especially if you have a lot of visitors and admin-ajax.php is called to do the work of checking for new messages and users. When programming Quick Chat I’ve taken much care to make it as lighter on your server and you will not find better performing chat application with same capabilities as Quick Chat. But there are some things that can be done to make it easier on your server.

      What will help the most is rising timing settings in Quick Chat admin dashboard especially when you expect extreme load on your server. Default settings are to check for new users every 30 seconds and for new messages every 2 seconds. You need to adjust (increase) these values to accommodate number of users and adjust Quick Chat to your server abilities.

      Second thing is that Quick Chat carries some “fat” in the form of additional options. To make it a bit faster all of the options you don’t use could be removed. Depending on what gets removed increase in performance could considerable.

      I’ve also been working on compatibility with caching plugins like WP Super Cache and once finished that will make Quick Chat much faster because you could install caching plugin to your site and have fully working chat.


        1. Marko Author

          Sorry for not answering sooner, I’m kinda ill. Quick Chat is open source so to remove the fat you would need a text editor and a bit of php, javascript and WordPress development knowledge. If you don’t have time to do it yourself you can contact me using Contact form and we can make a deal that I do the work for fair donation.


    1. Marko Author

      Hi Anthony. Just go to you admin dashboard, click “Plugins” and then “Add new” and enter Quick Chat into search box. There you’ll have install link after your search is over.


  16. Nirzol

    Hello, sorry for bad english i’m french
    But there are a bug. For example
    If someone have “Fred” I can edit my name and put “fred” or “”frEd”
    Maybe case sensitive is a good way for that.

    It will be better with an option to desactivate “edit nickname”

    Good job , it s a powerfull chat 🙂

    1. Marko Author

      Yes Nirzol it would be best if this was case insensitive. I’ll put it in the next version coming out soon. Thanks for bringing it to my attention 😉

    1. Marko Author

      Hello, on your site it isn’t just send button. Quick Chat is without it’s javascript (dead in the water). My guess is that your site theme is probably missing wp_footer(); call in footer.php but it might also be something else.

      Good luck!

  17. Alfa

    i seem to have the same problem with “Kevin”
    Braking chat.
    but, i really LOVE your Quick chat Plug-in
    How do i get my way around this “Braking” thing?
    Enlightment would be totally 100x appreciated
    btw how’s ur illness, u a’ight now?

    1. Marko Author

      Hi. The error on your site is 500 Internal server error. Your hosts Apache web server has mod_bwlimited module loaded so my guess is that your host makes sure you can’t run any server demanding applications like chat applications. I’ve seen it before. You should contact your web host but I doubt you can talk them into removing restrictions.

      p.s. As for my illness I’m in denial phase and try not to think about it 🙂 But unfortunately it looks like illness it’s here to stay 🙁

      Good luck!

  18. Vali

    In my site it works only when i am loged in my wordpress account. So if i am loged out nobody can chat, cause there is no user or mesage box, or send button. Nothing but the last mesages sent. And my site it’s refreshing itself continuosly.
    Sory for my english.

  19. Ali

    Hi Marko
    Thank you for this great chat plugin

    I have a user who wants his name hidded in the online users list.

    what should i do ? (in other words, change which line of the source code?)

    I have translated this plugin in persian. can i send you mo & po file ?

    Thanks in advance.

  20. Andy

    Hi Marko,

    I’ve installed this plugin but messages are not refreshed. I’ve typed 1 in the admin refresh messages box but nothing happens.
    The only way I have to see new messages is if I press F5 key.

    The most difficult to understand for me is that after the installation was working good but few days later starts working like I’ve explained.

    Any idea?

    Wordpress 3.3 ES
    Tables on database quick_chat_users and quick_chat_messages


  21. Jaka

    Hello Marko,
    I’ve tried your plugin using the templates (themes) standards and the results of wordpress running smoothly.
    But after I use the template from rockethemes and plugin frameworks gantry was quick chat does not work. I’ve tried various settings but once I try it can not submit or enter key.
    please enlightenment and the best news from you. thanks …

  22. Tim Glinatsis

    Unbelievably helpful plugin…thank you for your hard work.

    Is there an easy way to turn off the timestamps altogether? I have a fairly compressed window, and would either like to turn them off in the messages window or have them show up in an abbreviated form on the same line as the username.

    Unfortunately, my PHP isn’t great. So I’m concerned about picking the wrong line of code to start playing with.

    Any tips?

    Thanks, again. 🙂

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Tim,
      yes you can use CSS to hide timestamps by appending this to your quick-css/chat.cssdiv.quick-chat-history-timestring{display:none;} or you can modify QC to show timestamps in any format you want or just date / just time (a bit more complicated than hiding but still simple, you have contact form on the top right so you can contact me).


  23. Bryan Price

    Hi Marco!

    Thank you for this great plugin. I hope whatever health challenges you were having in November have lifted and you feel good and strong. I realize it’s New Years Eve Day for folks in the West in Northern America. No rush for an answer. In the next couple of days – when you get a chance.

    My send button stopped working. I entered it via shortcode. It was working fine. Then it stopped. I’ve tested it in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari – the result is the same.

    What can I do to trouble shoot or fix it?

    The site is http://pajuice.com/dev. And the live chat is on the homepage in the first content/body tab.

    Thank you for the suggestions/help.


  24. Brendon

    Hello Marko,
    QuickChat is a very useful plugin.
    I’m using it on my website, for registered users, but I would like to know how to delete the field for the choice of nickname.
    I used the string “input.quick-chat-alias {display: none;}” in the CSS, but it seems that for some users (and in the mobile theme also) the field is still present.

    Another small problem is in the block of chat randomly from time to time … you must refresh the page to update it.

    Thank you for your job 😉

  25. jon

    hi. is there any way to remove the option for users to enter a username?
    I want every user to use their username, no exceptions.
    Im happy to edit the plugin myself if you can point me in the right direction. Im guessing its just a case of deleting a couple of lines of code.



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