Quick Chat


Quick Chat is released under GPLv2 license.

Quick Chat Demo



WordPress has given a lot to the Linux community and to me personally so I've decided to give something back by making WordPress plugin for all of us to use. We all like to chat so I've decided to extend WordPress with quick and lightweight Ajax chat plugin. I've also decided to name this WordPress plugin "Quick Chat".


Here are some of the features of Quick Chat WordPress chat plugin:

  • New in v4.10: Implement automatic private messages and chat rooms daily cleanup using WordPress cron API
  • Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
  • Add feature to configure which WordPress user role has Quick Chat moderator capability
  • Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Chat update (See FAQ for more)
  • Supports Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to chat nicknames
  • You can set timeout for disabling updates to inactive user
  • Supports multiple private 1 on 1 chat sessions
  • Can filter bad words from your chat rooms
  • Admin users can easily download chat room transcripts
  • Besides gravatar.com avatars, local avatar plugins are also supported
  • Includes admin dashboard widget to chat with other admin users from your site backend
  • Has message input box character counter to limit message size
  • Allows admin users to instantly ban chat participant IP from chat
  • Has chat participants list for both sidebar and embedded chat
  • Site registered users can have their chat nicknames reserved
  • Site admins can reserve additional list of chat nicknames
  • Supports incoming messages sound notification for modern browsers
  • Supports unlimited number of separate chat rooms
  • User interface is translation friendly (translation template, Croatian, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Estonian, French, Finnish and Welsh (some partial) translation files provided)
  • Integrates with WordPress user accounts to use login name as chat nickname
  • Comes with quality set of emoticons to spice up your chat experience
  • Saves your website bandwidth by sending AJAX requests only when there are new messages


  • PHP 5
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.3
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.6
  • Current version: Quick Chat 4.13


You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Chat WordPress.org installation page.


You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Chat WordPress.org FAQ page.


You can find up to date change log on Quick Chat WordPress.org changelog page.

Your donations

Quick Chat is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Chat free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Your feedback

Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using Contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.

Quick Chat stable version

Quick Chat is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:

DOWNLOAD Quick Chat 4.13 from WordPress.org

Quick Chat next version

If you have time and want to help making Quick Chat better you can test Quick Chat testing versions on your server and post feedback. Quick Chat version posted here will be uploaded to WordPress.org once it is reasonably stable.

Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.

Quick Chat old versions

If latest Quick Chat version isn't working for you, here you can find download links to some of the older Quick Chat versions. I recommend that you use latest version if possible:


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1,481 thoughts on “Quick Chat

  1. Marko Author

    Hello all, just to say Quick Chat is not dead. Quick Chat 3.00 version is 99% done but that 1% percent turned out being problem due to my health issues not going away. I would also like to apologize for not answering to emails and comments, there are so many so I just don’t have the energy to reply. I’ll try to catch up on that but it really doesn’t depend on me (this illness has a mind of it’s own). Also I’m planing some Linux and Quick Chat related projects and articles, I hope I’ll manage to make it reality.

    My best regards!

  2. Shaw

    My Quick Chat is pretty slow on my server. It takes a solid 3-4 seconds for a chat message to appear after entering. How can I speed this up?

    1. Marko Author

      Hi. Speed depends on many things including other plugins and server settings you have no influence to. Also self hosted chat applications like Quick Chat are probably the most demanding web applications for your web server so you shouldn’t go overboard with number of simultaneous users and tightness of message refresh time.

      Good luck!

  3. Casey

    Quick Chat is not functioning properly on the new WordPress. Posts aren’t showing up unless you refresh the entire page, and the other day I didn’t get posts from users for over 24 hours. I also had no idea those users were in the chat room.

    Is there a fix to any of these issues?

    1. Marko Author

      Hello Casey,
      I doubt the information you have provided will make anyone willing to assist you. You should at least post some error codes from your browser console or firebug. Also Quick Chat works on all servers and WordPress installations where I’m testing it.

      1. Casey

        Well, since I’m not the only one on here having a problem with the latest WordPress version, and no error codes are being presented, I guess I have to find another app. Not sure why it isn’t functioning all of a sudden, but others on this board and my users have all reported the same issue. Clearly there is something wrong with Quick Chat. I hope you are able to fix it.

        1. Marko Author

          This site is running latest WP (3.3.1 at the time of this comment) as well as my other sites without issues. Quick Chat is open source app so you are welcome to get your hands dirty with it’s code and improve what you don’t like about it. Also there are a lot of other chat applications on WordPress plugin directory to choose from 😉

  4. FanaticWeb

    Would be nice to make it work with the Members plugin, allow chat based on Roles capabilities, for instance, not all subscribers have the same priviledge in most cases.

    1. FanaticWeb

      Err I just noticed that with the latest version, Logged in users can change their nicknames?? Also, on an older install, the Username field was read-only, now its editable, what gives?

      1. Marko Author

        the lock nickname input field feature was removed a while I was restructuring code for performance improvement. I plan to put it back but better because locked input fields could easily be unlocked using Firebug or similar browser tool.


    1. Marko Author

      Hi artur,
      I’ve just released Quick Chat v3.00 with shortcode attribute hide_smilies and checkbox for sidebar widget to hide smilies. Check FAQ for more info.

  5. Ilo

    hey! Great plugin! I got little problem after update. I need the function to disable gavatars for widget. Please get it back. And problem #2 is, when i use www address (eg http://www.mysite.com) it works fine, and when i use without www (eg mysite.com) it won’t get the messages, I have no idea why won’t it update messages when i visit without www. Please help me!!!

    1. Marko Author

      Hi, thanks.
      As for disabling gravatars for widget yes I’ll add it back in the future versions, most likely in the next version. For now you can hide it using CSS for your widget only. This version was all about rewriting the avatar code to support both gravatar.com and local avatar plugins.

      As for the http://www.mysite.com and mysite.com it is WP security thing called nonces. I’m using it to prevent other sites to use ajax calls to retrieve/delete your chat messages. When you go to admin dashboard general options you will find “WordPress Address” and “Site Address” fields where you have specified address of your site. All other sites are blocked from messing with your chat. If you have specified www inside those fields only http://www.mysite.com is able to work with chat. I can’t add an exception to this WordPress system only remove nonces and leave your site unprotected but then site without www will work.


      1. Ilo

        Yayyy!!! Thank you! And the reply was extremely fast. Thank you thank you. Now I get it completely. Oh well, now I saw comment from someone named Casey above, I think he has the same issue.
        Well thank you again! God bless you!

        Best regards,

  6. Nirzol

    Thx for update 🙂
    But I have a problem. When I click on a name in the list to make a private chat .
    I have :
    Your invitation to private chat has been sent to
    (No name is mention in the end)
    on the bottom right a windows open with no one in

    Private chat doesn’t work with me.
    Can you help?

    Are they an option to desactivate change name ? (maybe when register only is check, no one can change their name ?)

    Thx a lot

    1. Marko Author

      When you start private chat with someone, he receives your invitation and must click your name to accept it and start chat. If he doesn’t want to talk to you privately he just ignores it and doesn’t click your name.

      About change name yes I’ve removed this feature w while ago because of performance reasons. I’ve got many queries about bringing it back so I’ll see what can be done for future versions. There will be minor version soon to fix things like this. If you’re brave enough you can easily tweak code it self not to allow changing name and even speed things up in the process.

      1. Nirzol

        Thx for this reply.
        But he receives no invitations that’s the problem 🙁
        I accept popup ,try with one on chrome and other on safari and try with firefox too . No invitation to accept appear.

        When I click on a name in the list , I have a popup :
        You’re about to start private chat. Are you sure?
        I click OK
        and then nothin else for me or for other person.

        With chrome in the chat I have :
        8 février 2012 – 15 h 07 min
        Your invitation to private chat has been sent to”
        The end of sentence is TO (I think the name lost)
        And after 5 sec a little windows appear bottom right with :
        “Private chat with” (without name)
        Only on chrome.

        Maybe you can see it : http://rplayers.com/chat/

          1. Nirzol

            Firefox 10
            chrome : 17
            safari : 5

            In chrom inspector I have :

            Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘defaultView’ of undefined
            (anonymous function)quick-chat-core.min.js:38
            (anonymous function)tubepress.js:1

      1. Marko Author

        finding the incompatible plugin is 50% work, thanks. Now I can install it on my local machine and workaround it it is possible. If it isn’t possible due to tubepress problem and if I can’t work around it by modifying Quick Chat we will contact tubepress author. Just monitor this comment and I will reply when I have some information.


        1. Nirzol

          Ok thx a lot Marko 😀
          I continue to look around if I find a solution too.

          I waiting so . Thx a lot

          I begin to translate it to french. I’m not a superman in english but is better than nothing 😉 When I finish I will send you a version.

          1. Marko Author

            I’ve sent modified QC version that should fix incompatibility to your gmail address if you could please test and report back? Thanks.

            p.s. please clear your browser cache before testing to prevent loading old javascripts from cache

    1. Marko Author

      Hi rems,
      shortcode I use is default [quick-chat] shortcode. I did slight modification of my CSS to better integrate it to my site but nothing more than few fonts and borders.

  7. fred

    Hi, I was using v3,00 now I updated to 3,11 and this is the problem:
    Besides the input text form, when I hit enter, the input form clears but no text appears on the chat window. Also, no nickname appears as “connected”.

    I rolled back to 3,00 and the chat is working again but the list of connected people is blank. Im using WP 3.3.1

    Thanks for your plug in, I think is the best out there.

        1. fred

          Yes I was using caching plugins, but they are supossed to be off… (active, but off, I was testing them) I will report back when I completely remove them.  Tks. for the hint Marko.

  8. Fabio

    Hi Marko. Congratulations for your nice plugin. Thanks a lot for your great job.
    One questions: can I create multi rooms chat? If not, will be implemented in future?Thanks in advance for reply.

    1. Anonymous

      you can create multiple chat rooms. Please take a look at questions 6. and 7. from Quick Chat FAQ http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/quick-chat/faq/ 

  9. Crocups

    Marko =  I updated to 3,12 beta and 3.20 problem stay:

    Besides the input text form, when I hit enter, the input form clears but no text appears on the chat window. 

    1. Marko

      Just turn on the “Debug mode” from Quick Chat admin options and post your failing chat room link here or send it to my http://www.techytalk.info/contact/ and I’ll take a look soon.

      1. Marko

        Glad you like it. Actually there’s no code change needed to remove “Quick Chat Admin’s Lounge”. Just click on “Screen options” button (top right) and untick “Quick Chat Admin’s Lounge” 😉

    1. Marko

      Just like the Crocups you should turn on the “Debug mode” from Quick Chat admin options and post your failing chat room link here or send it to my contact form and I’ll take a look.

  10. Hayden

    Amazing amount of updates and feedback to users questions given by Marko considering this is a free plugin.  I am very sorry to hear that you have been so ill and in the hospital so long.  I have donated what spare money I can towards helping you in this time of need and to further the development of this wonderful plugin.  I can only hope others will do the same.

    Thank you.

  11. Dan

     Hello, I upgraded QC to version 3.20 today. After upgrading
    the overall widget is displayed in the widget area I have chosen. Users
    are displayed, chat input area is displayed, smilies are displayed however
    the main chat display window shows nothing. The scroll bars are also not
    visible, just a blank area with the background color of my theme.

    I’ve turned on debug mode and the link to the broken chat room is:

    A link to a screenshot of the problem is here…http://www.oasis-radio.net/images/shoutbox.jpg

    ideas as to what the problem is?

    1. Dan

       By the way, I have no caching plugins installed but I do use the Use Google Libraries plugin.  Don’t know if that is a problem or not.

    1. Marko

      Hello! Right now you have “Allow users to change their chat user name” QC options check box for blocking all users except admin users to change names. I assumed that admin users are not malicious so most restrictions do not apply to them.


  12. Luca Vignali

    Quick Chat for WordPress
    good eveningI have problems with firefox and quick chat.I have tried multiple versions of firefox all recent.The effect is that the webpage is loaded. It seems to loop 
    QuikChat 3.20
    I have no cache

    1. Marko

      Hi. Inside admin options you will find “Allow users to change their chat user name” check box, for this other thing I don’t actually understand the question?


    1. Marko

      Hi you should change time zone in WordPress general options to your time zone. Quick Chat will respect this settings. If you find it wrong again you can enter manual time offset inside Quick Chat admin settings.

  13. Alfonso

    soy nuevo en estos lares, viva la revolución, de gentes sin condición,que se han pasado a la acción,contra toda corrupción, de este estado de derecho, y que se parece al lecho, que nos dejó el dictador.

    1. Marko

      Hi, this is the thing. Aside from a bug in private chat invitation system reported by one user (Tony thanks for reporting, I’ve fixed that one and will post new release soon) there isn’t anything requiring fix. If get report of a bug in my code I usually fix it as soon as possible. I don’t consider “I post message and it doesn’t show up” a proper bug report because I can’t do much with that information. If you wan’t me to fix that type of problem you can hire me and I’ll be glad to debug your site. If I’m working for free (and Quick Chat is free and open source) I’ll need something more than that to get me started.


      1. Jondallimore

        its something thats changed since the last update. the previous version worked fine, so I’ll go back to using that for now. I dont know if its a bug, a plugin conflict or what, but I would have thought the fact that on a number of peoples sites the text doesnt show up in the window but does in the transcript is a problem with the plugin not the sites. surely if the old version worked with my site settings, the new version should too.

        1. Marko

          In 95% the problem is some tiny missconfiguration and it is solved easily, not Quick Chat bug. That 5% are Quick Chat bugs and I do my best to fix them because I hate my code having bugs. Quick Chat isn’t plug and play, if you want that you will need payed application where you have right to demand service. I’m sorry that it doesn’t work and know how frustrating it can be (been there million times with million applications) but please open your browser console and paste any error codes or at least paste your site address here so I or someone else could take a look.


          1. TommyRay

            Hi, I know time is valuable, sorry to take any, but I have this same problem of no userlist or chat text functionality. Disabled all, included jQuery the right way, still no go. In Firebug console I get:

            Unknown property ‘box-sizing’. Declaration dropped.
            quick-…r=3.3.1 (line 155, col 54)
            quick-…r=3.3.1 (line 176, col 103)
            quick-…r=3.3.1 (line 179, col 120)

            Use of getAttributeNodeNS() is deprecated. Use getAttributeNS() instead.
            Use of attributes’ nodeName attribute is deprecated. Use name instead.
            Use of attributes’ nodeValue attribute is deprecated. Use value instead.The deprications have no reference so I would need to go searching for them. Just some input I do not expect a “fix”, will try an install of an older version for now as my time also is limited. Thanx! 🙂

            1. TommyRay

              With 2.4 version I get the Userlist, the Send button, but no chat text is showing. 🙁 Just FYI as an update here. My theme is the notepad chaos. Perhaps a list of Themes it does NOT work on would be helpful. Thanks again.

    1. Marko

      Your server spits out error code 500 (internal server error). You will need to contact your hoster to see what exactly happens because they are only ones having full access to your server logs.


      1. kabumda

        But: there are moments teh works normally, and moments that is just a white screen.

        When you get the white screen, need to reinstall.

  14. HuwD

    Hi Marko. Just a quick message to show some appreciation for the constant development and updates. I use the plugin on my site, and it runs great.

    Only suggestion I have, is there a way to separate the config that defines the layout and width of the panel. Reason I ask is I have to manually change the width of the user list panel every time you push an update out to make it fit into my site again.

    As a little project I’m going to look into a way of setting up a fake user that polls a twitter feed and posts them as chat posts.
    Thanks for all your work!Huw – Junglised.co.uk

    1. Marko

      Hi, it feels nice when your work is appreciated so thanks 😉 In one of the next version I will make it load css file from your theme directory after all regular QC files are loaded so your css rules wont be lost after reinstallation. Also this Twitter sound great, just insert into database table and messages will appear for all users.

  15. Janec


    Quick Chat works fine. I have also installed NextGen Gallery plugin, when czat
    is on in ngg doesn’t work drag&droop in album options. Any idea what
    to do?

  16. Cristian Drossu

    Hi, Marko. It’s possible that users with editor level access to moderate the chat? Now only admins cand see the moderation tools. Thank you. Cristian

  17. Yo

    Hello first sorry my english 😀

    A suggestion:Can select the level for can ban 🙂 I edit the line: if(current_user_can(‘manage_options’)){for this 🙂 But when I upgrade I have to edit it again

  18. The Blog Farm

    Hey Marko, this looks to be an excellent plugin but before installation I have a couple questions. Is there a width requirement for this plugin to work well in a sidebar widget. Are there any known conflicts with popular plugins?

    1. Marko

      Hi there,
      as a poor WordPress programming practice some theme authors load their own jQuery version, usually old one and break all plugins requiring recent jQuery version on your site. Guess what, Quick Chat is one of those plugins and your theme author is one of those theme author. He loads few years old jQuery 1.3.2 (released February, 2009) from Google API and Quick Chat requires at least 1.4.4. This doesn’t have impact only on Quick Chat but on all jQuery code on your site, even if it some code works it works slower because current 1.7.1 jQuery version is much more optimized for modern browsers because it’s new. You can ask your theme author to fix this, but he is probably lazy coder because if he isn’t he wouldn’t do what he did in your theme code or you can hire me to fix this theme issue (my contact form is here: http://www.techytalk.info/contact/). I would also send angry email to theme author if this theme is something have you payed for. Good luck!

  19. Sanity

    Hey Marko,

    Here is my site.
    I have installed the plugin via wp interface and it seems working but not properly. I used this code to embed in our radio page:
    [quick-chat height="400" room="Radyo" userlist_position="right"]
    So those problems perists:
    1 – posts doesnt appear on chat window
    2 – userlist doesnt appear
    3 – scroll doesnt appear
    Any way to fix them? Thank you in advance

  20. Buzzradio1

    Hi, love the quick chat plugin! Everything was working perfectly until the recent update (3.31) now, everything is blank and all that displays on my page is the test entry box and my user name. When I enter a message, it doesn’t show up? Any ideas? 

    Thank you

  21. Alex80ks

    Zemljace instalirao sam chat i radi fino ali naleteo sam na neku sitnicu npr u chatu koji je postavljen na widzetu sa strane kada ukucas npr rec koja je prevelika za sirinu chata delovi nestaju umesto da se spakuju u sledeci red>takodje bih hteo da poradim malo na CSS u sto se cata tice pa da pitam za dozvolu.pozdrav i da pohvalim odlican posao 🙂

    1. Marko

      Evo istina što pišeš kada staviš dugačku riječ bez razmaka ona proleti izvan okvira. U idućoj nadogradnji dodajem div.quick-chat-history-message{word-wrap: break-word;} u CSS fajl tako da bi to onda trebalo biti u redu (hvala na napomeni ovo mi je promaklo). Što se tiče uređivanja CSS-a mislim za svoju instalaciju slobodno radi što ti je volja jel je Quick Chat open source GPLv2 😉


  22. Te

    Here is a screenshot from the Chrome error log: http://i41.tinypic.com/2vi1469.png
    As others have already said, nothing shows up when I press enter to send my message. Any help would be great.

  23. Alex80ks

     ima jos jedan problemcic ako sam lepo razumeo opciju….kada odcekiram
    da korisnici mogu menjati username chat u widzetu im dozvoljava da
    menjaju ili mozda ja nisam razumeo tu opciju lepo?

    1. Marko

      Vjerojatno te buni to da su admin useri su isključeni iz svih sigurnosnih restrikcija. Ideja je da ako imaš zločestog admin korisnika logiranog na sajt onda imaš većih problema od Quick Chat postavki 🙂 Znači ta i slične opcije se odnose na sve ne admin korisnike.

      1. Alex80ks

         oket testiracu to takodje sam hteo da te pitam username na cirilici ne prihvata ima li sansi da bude u nekim od sledecih verzija ili moze da se cacne nesto u source kodu?

        1. Marko

          Na koji način misliš ne prihvaća? Trebalo bi prihvaćati sve osim ako ne uključiš opciju da ne dopušta specijalne znakove u imenu (isključeno po defaultu).

    1. Marko

      Sure, I’ve placed links in old versions section. But please make sure your theme jQuery is loaded in proper way and that you dont have caching plugins installed, those two are to blame in 99% of cases.

      1. Te

        Haha! Now that you mentioned I should check if jQuery is causing the problem, I actually got it fixed. Why didn’t you say that earlier? 😉
        It seems my theme functions.php was lacking something very important. Anyway, thanks!

  24. Crocups

    Не работает чат. Как проверить кэш и как проверить правильно подгружается jquery ? Проблема в том что не работает отправка сообщений, как и у многих тут. 🙁

    1. Marko

      It would be great if you could post in english, you can use http://translate.google.hr/ as I’m using now. Second thing is that if you don’t know what is jQuery and PHP caching you should ask someone else who knows this stuff to install plugins for you. You could do real damage to your site by blindly installing WordPress plugins.

      Было бы здорово, если вы могли бы разместить на английском языке, вы можете использовать http://translate.google.hr/ как я использую сейчас. Вторая вещь, что если вы не знаете, что JQuery и PHP кэширование Вы должны спросить кого-то, кто знает, что это материал, чтобы установить плагины для вас. Вы можете сделать реальный ущерб на ваш сайт, слепо установки WordPress плагины.

  25. Admin

    Not working, i cant send any message, i click on the send button but nothing happens, i have no plugin such ase quick cash enabled on my theme… what the problem guys?

  26. Dante

    Hi Marko,

    How to assign to user admin permissions?…For example delete messages or ban users? Have you some harcode to do?

    Thank you very much for this fantastic plugin


  27. Hugo Sandoval

    Hello, I’m using this plugin without widgets in my sidebar, chat appears with send button and smilies, but I can’t sent anything, any ideas please?

    1. Te

      Make sure you have this in your functions.php (There is another way but I can’t remember how to do it)
      if( !is_admin()){   wp_deregister_script(‘jquery’);   wp_register_script(‘jquery’, (“http://YOURWEBSITE.com/jquery/jquery/jquery-1.7.1.min.js”), false, ‘1.3.2’);   wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’);

      I had the same problem and adding that fixed it for me. Make sure you fix the jquery path though.


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