Quick Chat


Quick Chat is released under GPLv2 license.

Quick Chat Demo



WordPress has given a lot to the Linux community and to me personally so I've decided to give something back by making WordPress plugin for all of us to use. We all like to chat so I've decided to extend WordPress with quick and lightweight Ajax chat plugin. I've also decided to name this WordPress plugin "Quick Chat".


Here are some of the features of Quick Chat WordPress chat plugin:

  • New in v4.10: Implement automatic private messages and chat rooms daily cleanup using WordPress cron API
  • Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
  • Add feature to configure which WordPress user role has Quick Chat moderator capability
  • Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Chat update (See FAQ for more)
  • Supports Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to chat nicknames
  • You can set timeout for disabling updates to inactive user
  • Supports multiple private 1 on 1 chat sessions
  • Can filter bad words from your chat rooms
  • Admin users can easily download chat room transcripts
  • Besides gravatar.com avatars, local avatar plugins are also supported
  • Includes admin dashboard widget to chat with other admin users from your site backend
  • Has message input box character counter to limit message size
  • Allows admin users to instantly ban chat participant IP from chat
  • Has chat participants list for both sidebar and embedded chat
  • Site registered users can have their chat nicknames reserved
  • Site admins can reserve additional list of chat nicknames
  • Supports incoming messages sound notification for modern browsers
  • Supports unlimited number of separate chat rooms
  • User interface is translation friendly (translation template, Croatian, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Estonian, French, Finnish and Welsh (some partial) translation files provided)
  • Integrates with WordPress user accounts to use login name as chat nickname
  • Comes with quality set of emoticons to spice up your chat experience
  • Saves your website bandwidth by sending AJAX requests only when there are new messages


  • PHP 5
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.3
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.6
  • Current version: Quick Chat 4.13


You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Chat WordPress.org installation page.


You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Chat WordPress.org FAQ page.


You can find up to date change log on Quick Chat WordPress.org changelog page.

Your donations

Quick Chat is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Chat free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Your feedback

Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using Contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.

Quick Chat stable version

Quick Chat is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:

DOWNLOAD Quick Chat 4.13 from WordPress.org

Quick Chat next version

If you have time and want to help making Quick Chat better you can test Quick Chat testing versions on your server and post feedback. Quick Chat version posted here will be uploaded to WordPress.org once it is reasonably stable.

Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.

Quick Chat old versions

If latest Quick Chat version isn't working for you, here you can find download links to some of the older Quick Chat versions. I recommend that you use latest version if possible:


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1,481 thoughts on “Quick Chat

  1. Irma

    Hi Marko,

    I tried to use quick chat plugins. I tried to activate it, but it redirect me to http://credit-news.org/. The same thing happened when I want to edit it. Also redirect me to the previous address.

    Why is that happening? I can’t use your plugins. Can you please check it for WP 3.1.3?
    For your information, I use WP 3.1.3 and install Quick Chat 1.5.2

    Thanks 🙂

  2. Marko Martinović Author


    Sorry Irma your comment on TechyTalk got stuck inside askimet spam filter. About redirection this is the first time I hear about this web page and this looks like some kind of malware but I haven’t heard for WordPress malware yet ?? Anyway Quick Chat works with WordPres 3.1.3, TechyTalk.info is currently running this WP version. There is something funny going on with your page if it redirects you to any unwanted page. You can open QC code in text editor to check is QC doing redirection. You should contact at least your hoster to check what is happening. If it is free host then redirections are common for 404 or 403 pages. Anyway I hope you’ll make it work, if you have any questions feel free to contact me. Cheers.

  3. miguel dias

    marko, thanks for the awesome wordpress plugin, i just want to say that if it had like a users online, like the number or names of the people on the chat (like a lot of shoutbox and chatting plugins have), something like that would be perfection!!!! ^_^ thanks again, by far the best chat plugin for wordpress, clean, easy and a great fit on any site.

  4. John Lytle

    I installed this and it worked for a day. Then the input stopped working. The UI still loads though but not chats submit. Any lead on what might cause that. I’d liek to evaluate this a little further.


  5. Marko Martinović Author

    @John Lytle

    Quick Chat loads its Javascript in footer. Your theme has no footer ether by design which I don’t believe because you’ve sad it worked a day ago, ether because you or some plugin has edited your theme files. If you look at your loaded site html you will see that it is missing closing html and body tags. Quick Chat javascript can be loaded at header by editing a line or two of its code and that will fix QC but your theme will remain broken and 80% off plugins load their Javascript in footer so those plugins will remain broken. Go disable plugins one by one or revert changes if you have edited your theme files by hand. Cheers!

  6. Legit SEO

    Hey Marko this is a great plugin! I’ve got it running on my site in the sidebar and on a page and have been getting a lot of compliments about it. I was just wondering if there would be anyway to display how many users where online? Thanks

  7. Scott

    Added this great plugin to my site but cannot get any text to submit. It shows up on my sidebar as a new widget but no response when I put text in and send it.

  8. Marko Martinović Author


    Hi Scott, can you please check for the issue with wp_footer(); call? I’ve described this inside Quick Chat FAQ here on this page, your problem looks like that and report your findings here so we could look for problem elsewhere? QC and many other WP plugins Javascript is loaded at footer to speed up page loading times. At your page it isn’t loaded. We must find out why.

  9. BGD

    This is a really nice plugin! It would be a great feature to have an option when using in a sidebar to select a single post/page for the widget to appear on if you don’t want the chat to show site wide. I realize you can do this by showing chat below post/page content but it’s easier to view to side of content above the fold. Just a thought.

  10. Donna

    I’ve searched high and low, and have tried many WP chat room plugins, but this is the first one I’ve actually really liked. It’s PERFECT for my needs. It’s the simplest to install and the best working chat room plugin at WP. Thanks for sharing this with us WPers, Marko!

  11. Albert

    I have installed the quick chat plugin.
    I have the problem “Nothing happens when I type message and press enter key” in my web site.
    My footer.php calls wp_footer():

    I don’t know what is the problem…. 🙁

  12. Marko Martinović Author


    Hi, if you put captcha you get nothing more than usual comment list instead of chat don’t you think? I thing that the point of chat is to be fast and easy to send messages. But yes, spam is possibility. You can limit chat to only logged in users. This message timeout is nice idea and I could include it in the next version, thanks 🙂

  13. robert

    is there a way to not have quick chat sidebar appear on all pages. I love your plugin but wanted to know if you can just have the chat room on 1 page not the whole site

  14. Marko Martinović Author


    Hi you can use QuickChat inside your post or page using [quick-chat] shortcode like on this page and then your chat room will be loaded only on the page where you put [quick-chat] inside post. Sidebar in WordPress is global and I would need to come up with some kind of hack to bypass this. It is doable but it kinda kills the whole point of sidebar don’t you think?

    edit: You can also try something like this WordPress plugin:


    or something like this plugin:



  15. Marko Martinović Author


    For some reason if you look at your page source, the part where Quick Chat loads its javascript is html comented out togeather with some login form so its javascript isn’t loaded. I guess you or some plugin you use tried to hide login form by commenting out this part of theme files but somehow Quick Chat JS is caught in this commented out part. What you can do is try loading Quick Chat Javascript at the header, this should circumvent the problem but you should take a look at why it is commented in the first place. Here is the quick-chat.php for QC v1.61 with changes to load JS at the head instead at footer:

    quick-chat.php file v1.61 tweaked to load javascripts at header

    You just replace quick-chat.php located at your wp-content/plugins/quick-chat with the quick-chat.php file from the zip archive. Please report if it works so we could try something else 🙂

  16. robert

    Marko, I love the plugin. I would like to use this plugin in a page title “chat room”. Can you tell me how to embed the shortcode into a page. I’m a bit new to html.
    Thanks so much Bob

  17. Marko Martinović Author


    Yes as Albert already wrote but with minus sign in the middle, you just put [quick-chat] inside post or page where you want chat to appear and it will be replaced with chat display. You can also add it with options like height like this [quick-chat height="integer_in_pixels"].

  18. 5tein

    Hey Marko, thanks for making this plugin.

    I’m running WP 3.01 with PHP 4.4.9 and get the error,

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in quick-chat.php on line 112

    (1.45 gives me the same error, but on line 102)

    Any ideas?

  19. holger

    Would make a german translation if someone provides me with an english *.mo and *.po.
    I can not speak Croatian/Italian

  20. Freeman

    There is a syntax error with the install SQL where BLOB/TEXT cannot have a default value for MySQL 5+. That is why after installation some people would not get any activity when they enter a text.

  21. Marko Author


    Hi Freeman, looks like you are right. Don’t know why my dbms didn’t report an error, it just ignores default on TEXT fields on my systems. I’m releasing v1.62 without default on TEXT fields. Thank you very much for pointing this out.

  22. Marko Author


    Hi, JS is loaded and your problem could be what Freeman wrote. I’m releasing v1.62 with bugfix (will be available today) and you should try ugrading. If you have time and access to phpmyadmin you can take a look is wp_quick_chat table inside your wordpress database empty, that probably means you are affected with quick chat database bug.

  23. Marko Author


    Hi there is an empty quick-chat.pot translation template inside wp-content/plugins/quick-chat/languages. You should open this file with poedit to translate, this is where “english” words are located. You can send me your page link to put it here on this page in the “Translations” section as a sign of appreciation. Thanks in advance.


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