Quick Chat


Quick Chat is released under GPLv2 license.

Quick Chat Demo



WordPress has given a lot to the Linux community and to me personally so I've decided to give something back by making WordPress plugin for all of us to use. We all like to chat so I've decided to extend WordPress with quick and lightweight Ajax chat plugin. I've also decided to name this WordPress plugin "Quick Chat".


Here are some of the features of Quick Chat WordPress chat plugin:

  • New in v4.10: Implement automatic private messages and chat rooms daily cleanup using WordPress cron API
  • Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
  • Add feature to configure which WordPress user role has Quick Chat moderator capability
  • Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Chat update (See FAQ for more)
  • Supports Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to chat nicknames
  • You can set timeout for disabling updates to inactive user
  • Supports multiple private 1 on 1 chat sessions
  • Can filter bad words from your chat rooms
  • Admin users can easily download chat room transcripts
  • Besides gravatar.com avatars, local avatar plugins are also supported
  • Includes admin dashboard widget to chat with other admin users from your site backend
  • Has message input box character counter to limit message size
  • Allows admin users to instantly ban chat participant IP from chat
  • Has chat participants list for both sidebar and embedded chat
  • Site registered users can have their chat nicknames reserved
  • Site admins can reserve additional list of chat nicknames
  • Supports incoming messages sound notification for modern browsers
  • Supports unlimited number of separate chat rooms
  • User interface is translation friendly (translation template, Croatian, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Estonian, French, Finnish and Welsh (some partial) translation files provided)
  • Integrates with WordPress user accounts to use login name as chat nickname
  • Comes with quality set of emoticons to spice up your chat experience
  • Saves your website bandwidth by sending AJAX requests only when there are new messages


  • PHP 5
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.3
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.6
  • Current version: Quick Chat 4.13


You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Chat WordPress.org installation page.


You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Chat WordPress.org FAQ page.


You can find up to date change log on Quick Chat WordPress.org changelog page.

Your donations

Quick Chat is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Chat free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Your feedback

Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using Contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.

Quick Chat stable version

Quick Chat is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:

DOWNLOAD Quick Chat 4.13 from WordPress.org

Quick Chat next version

If you have time and want to help making Quick Chat better you can test Quick Chat testing versions on your server and post feedback. Quick Chat version posted here will be uploaded to WordPress.org once it is reasonably stable.

Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.

Quick Chat old versions

If latest Quick Chat version isn't working for you, here you can find download links to some of the older Quick Chat versions. I recommend that you use latest version if possible:


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1,481 thoughts on “Quick Chat

  1. Marko Author

    Quick Chat v1.62 is out. For anyone who was affected with the potential database bug QC should work now. Everyone else with problems please post here and I will look into it. Cheers!

  2. Marko Author

    No problem my friend, if something Quick Chat related doesn’t work, just post here 🙂 And Freeman user discovered this bug so we should all thank him, thanks Freeman again.

  3. Marko Author


    Did you happen to put quick chat shortcode like this: <code>[quick-chat]</code>? If you did that this will brake your chat. It looks like this is the problem and <code></code> tags should be removed. Please report if this was the problem 🙂

  4. JL

    Hi Marko,
    I see the js code in my source but the chats do not appear after the submit button is fired.
    I tried deactivating all plugins but that did not help.
    Also, how do you create different chat rooms for the user to choose from?

  5. Marko Author

    Hi, as for the chat not appearing problem it would be best if you could give me your URL so I could take a look. About rooms if you embed your chat as [quick-chat] or [quick-chat room="default"] you get default chat. You create other chat rooms by using something like [quick-chat room="room1"], [quick-chat room="room2"] etc. Wherever you use [quick-chat room="room1"] to embed chat, this will show same chat. For sidebar you enter room name in Appearance -> Widgets -> Quick Chat. Same thing apply. If you enter “room1” as room name, your sidebar shows room1 content, same like [quick-chat room="room1"] embedded chat. There are no restrictions, you can have multiple chat rooms sidebar widgets, embedded chat rooms all on same or separate pages. You can even have one page with 10 instances of same chat room and sidebar with that chat room on the same page 🙂 Feel free to use your imagination 🙂

    Edit: Hi, my emails to you are not getting trough 🙁 I’ve checked your url and client side looks fine. There must be something with the server side or database. Can you please check your wordpress database using phpmyadmin for table named “wp_quick_chat”? Does it exist, and if it does is it empty?

  6. John Lytle

    Hi Marko,

    There was a table there for quick Chat but the plug in must not be finding it.

    I had changed my wp_ prefix in my db as a security measure so perhaps the plugin broke when I changed it.

    I’ve tried to delete the table and reinstall the plugin from scratch and the quick_chat table is not getting created. Does it only get get created when successful chat is initiated.


  7. John Lytle


    I got it working again. I just deleted everyting in the options table adn the other main table, reinstalled and its cooking again…
    Pretty cool too. I added a lot of rooms and styled it up.. looosk sharp. These people are serious chatters so I’ll let you know if they adopt it or if they beg for me to put Chat blazer back

  8. Marko Author

    Hi zaka. Sure it is OK if you know how to do this. By the way you should remove smilies borders on your chat by adding div.quick-chat-smilies-container img{border: none;} at the end of quick-chat.css file 🙂

  9. fastharry

    hi Marko…I installed quick chat on my site to give it a try…I have one question…is it possible to show a “chat not available” message to visitors?…thanks

  10. Marko Author


    Hi! If you check “Only logged in users can use chat” options inside Settings -> Quick Chat then your site visitors will not be able to participate in chat (they will be able to monitor it but not to send messages). This could be what you need?

  11. fastharry

    Hi Marko, thanks for writing back. I kind of wanted to leave it open so anyone can chat with no problem. I just wanted a way to let visitors know that no one at fastharry.com was online to answer back. This way they don’t get annoyed when they don’t get a response….Maybe an auto-responder with an away message would be good in the next release…

  12. Marko Author


    I had in plan for Quick Chat the who is online system but never got time to implement it because it isn’t exactly trivial to came up with quality efficient solution. On this site I use WP UserOnline plugin until I implement something more advanced into Quick Chat. This way users know (should know 🙂 ) when I’m online to assist or answer questions. WP UserOnline isn’t realtime so that is the aspect I plan to work on. Also I could implement something like away message so thanks for your idea, hope you and your users have fun with Quick Chat.

  13. fastharry

    Hi Marko…I installed the user online plug in…Not sure how to make the users page…I know this is not your plug in, but do you have a quick answer?..if not, no worries…Appreciate all your help…Have a great weekend…Harry

  14. Marko Author

    Hi people, one of the most wanted Quick Chat features is sound for incoming messages, so that’s what I’m working on right now. But I need your help. I must come up with the notification sound. Any ideas? What we need is wav file length about half of second, any suggestions? Thanks in advance 🙂

  15. miguel dias

    well i think you should focus on the “who is online” and not so much on sounds for chat messages, even though that’s cool too, still whats the point of sounds if you don’t know if the chat room is filled with people, if it has people you might know or if you are all alone.

    still i think the sound/sounds should be down-toned and not the most common bling! thats even more annoying, here are some samples > http://www.mediafire.com/?tyt2gu4hss38ehf


  16. Marko Author

    @miguel dias

    Hi Miguel. Thanks for your thoughts and you’re right that who is online is the most important thing. But it is the feature that requires the most time to accomplish so I don’t want to start it until I’m not certain I will have time to implement it in the most efficient way. Also the way things are with QC, everyone is on chat just by visiting page (when Quick Chat is in sidebar) so for pages with hundreds of visitors things would get very slow. Anyways it will require some creative thinking to implement who is online the right way. Until then you can use WP UserOnline plugin that I will most probably use as base for Quick Chat who is online code. 🙂

    Also thanks very much for your samples I will review them, I wish there is time for some kind of poll but messages notification thing is almost ready, all we need is sound files and Quick Chat next release is out 🙂

  17. Marko Author

    Hi people, it would mean much to me if you can test Quick Chat with “Audio” enabled and report results with your browser name and version. If you have modern browser like FF 3.5 and up, Chrome or Opera you should hear nice bird singing once you send or receive new messages. If “Audio” works ok I will upload new Quick Chat version 1.70 to the official WordPress repository. Thanks 🙂

    Here is changelog for upcoming Quick Chat 1.70:

    • Full WordPress 3.2 compatibility
    • Incoming/outgoing messages notification sound for any modern HTML5 audio tag enabled browser
    • Delete messages without reloading page (ajax)
    • Force removal of borders and padding from smilies (some themes add these and then smilies look funny)
    • Minor bugfixes
  18. Marko Author


    Bok Dragiša. Pozdinu smajlića nisam definirao već je ona preuzeta iz tvoje teme. Ovo bijelo bi mogao biti i border ali morao bi mi dati link pa da pogledam točno. I jedno i drugo se vrlo lagano popravi editiranjem quick-chat.css datoteke, ako ne znaš javi pa ti napišem. Pozdrav!

  19. miguel dias

    Oh just a few ideas…

    im not too sure if its a good idea to put the “who is online” feature on the sidebar, since a chat on the sidebar is already a bit of a drag on any site, having something pulling users (even with cache and a big timeout) would be a even greater load on the whole site and quick-chat is supposed to be clean and simple, i think the more complete embed on the page version should have who is online (probably the classic mirc bar on the side with a scrolling list of names), but on the sidebar not really, especially cause if you are going to put it on the sidebar, then everyone on the site will have access to it (makes the “who is online” feature less useful).

    also in my site how would the sidebar “who is online” handle 1000 people, how would it display all the names? just a number?

    the wp-useronline is to know who is on the whole site, my wp-site has almost 10.000 users, there are plenty online all the time, not all of them would be on the chat page for sure, i would say a minority ^_^ when i enabled quick-chat only for the admins/moderators it was funny but not useful, there was a lot of “are you there?” kind of thing during that test week, so for me the “who is online” is the killer feature for quick chat hehehe, besides that, just improving performance ( thats a feature ) and maybe add a tweak here and there would be all thats needed.

  20. Marko Author

    @miguel dias

    Thanks for your ideas, you are right in being careful with adding who is online mostly because of performance reasons. Who is online is the next thing for me to implement, but I must sit in front of the drawing board and thing how to do it best. That’s why I haven’t implemented it yet. Thanks again, cheers!

  21. Jim

    Thanks for the great plugin! Can you advise what change I would have to make to enable all logged-in users to delete post entries? Currently, only the ‘admin’ has this option, and we want to give our users more control. Thanks!

  22. robert

    I love your chat plugin. It is SUPER. One question, If you enter a url in the text box when it posts into the chat window is there a way to enter it so that a user can just click on it to open the url instead of copying it and pasting it in their browser? Also, is the a way to post an image.

  23. Marko Author


    Hi robert. Making links requires some modification of QC code to recognize URLs and to turn them into true links. Inserting images would also require adding code, not hard but requires time. You can hire me to do both so I could leave my own work aside to add this to QC or wait until I have time to implement those options in Quick Chat. Cheers!

  24. robert

    could you send me a quote in US dollars for modifying the code to recognize URLs. You should have my email address. when I sent a comment I typed it in.

  25. Austin

    Previously I was not able to post message but with the help of a person named “Dragiša” on this site, I got that fixed. But, now I have new problem, When the chat is on the page, the page never finish loading. In chrome, the page loading wheel that appears on top never stop loading and if I press the stop button of the browser then further messages are not received on the chat. This is the same in all other browsers (Firefox and IE 8)

    Please help!

  26. Marko Author


    Hi. What you describe is not a bug. Quick Chat in a way never really closes connection to the server because it needs to receive new messages. Google Chrome counts this as page loading even though page is fully loaded. This is design decision by Chrome team to show spinning circle in this case.

  27. Austin

    I understand that but, on here (techytalk website) the spinning circle doesn’t last and the favicon appear after few seconds… but not on my website. Really confused, I use Chrome for both the website… :S

  28. Marko Author


    I understand that this is unwanted behavior no mater whose bug this is. I will try to inspect this spinning wheel thing and If I can do something to avoid it, I will do it. I’ve noticed that spinning wheel on Chrome sometimes doesn’t show up. It seems like Chrome has some kind of heuristics that tells it is page still loading and that could explain this behavior. Here’s the link to the discussion on this topic on Stackoverflow:


    You can provide us with workaround if you find one. Quick Chat is open source (GPLv2) code and everyone is welcome to help out 🙂 I’ll keep looking and testing. Cheers!

  29. Marko Author


    Sorry your comment got stuck in askimet spam filter. I’ve included workaround for Chrome spinning wheel problem in Quick Chat 1.72 version. Enjoy.

  30. fastharry

    fastharry :
    Hi Marko…just sent you a letter regarding the spinning wheel in Chrome…I have the new 1.72 version and it is still spinning no matter how many times I reload the site…http://fastharry.com

    I am leaving chat enabled for the time being so you and anyone else can try to load the site…If anyone comes up with different results, let me know…

    1. Marko Author


      Hi!. First thing I’ve noticed that fresh loading of your home page takes around 1.2 Mb which is around double as TechyTalk.info together with advertisement. Your 100Kb header picture at isn’t helping to speed things up 🙂 But that shouldn’t be a problem if there weren’t for the Google Chrome. The thing is that Google Chrome has problems distinguishing between page loading and ajax Javascript calls issued after page has loaded. I can freely call this a Google Chrome bug because no other browser has that kind of problems.

      I’ve worked around this problem by adding tiny 1 msec pause between page loading and first Quick Chat ajax call and that helped all pages I’ve tried with Google Chrome. You can try to make this pause longer and then Google Chrome would have easier task in removing spinning wheel before Quick Chat starts it’s first ajax call. You can find this setting in your wp-content/plugins/quick-chat/js/quickchat.js file on the line 206 from Quick Chat 1.72 version. There you will find setTimeout("quick_chat_update()", 1); where this 1 is pause time in milliseconds. Try to put something like 500 or bigger value and reduce it until you find smallest time where Google Chrome doesn’t leave wheel inside favicon.

      And once again I think that your problems are related to the page loading size and the fact that your page loads forever on my mobile broadband connection (HSDPA). So whether you keep Quick Chat or not, you should take your site on a diet by removing unwanted wp plugins and stuff like that 😉 Thanks for reporting this, it would help a lot if you could write back with your findings.

  31. Marko Author


    Many people are using mobile broadband and many even use 56K modems especially in less developed countries. Maybe it sounded wrong but I was trying to help. If I would get offended every time when someone tells me “you shouldn’t do this this way” or “this could get improved” then I would be offended all the time. Any software like Quick Chat or your web site doesn’t go anywhere without feedback, you should value it instead of getting offended. Cheers!

  32. fastharry

    Marko :
    Many people are using mobile broadband and many even use 56K modems especially in less developed countries. Maybe it sounded wrong but I was trying to help. If I would get offended every time when someone tells me “you shouldn’t do this this way” or “this could get improved” then I would be offended all the time. Any software like Quick Chat or your web site doesn’t go anywhere without feedback, you should value it instead of getting offended. Cheers!

    I did value it, trust me, absolutely did not take it the wrong way….I just want to see if it makes a difference before I do the mod…I appreciate all the help you are giving me…Once I get the chat back up, I will start pulling the plug ins off one by one and see which one I can get rid of…

  33. fastharry

    Marko :
    Great to hear that! Thank you for your help on making Quick Chat better

    Hi Marko..I took your advice and optimized the header image from 112 kb to 46 with no difference in quality….Let me know if it is any faster reloading…BTW, how could you tell how much KB i am using?

  34. Marko Author

    Fastharry.com does load little faster, looks like you got around 100KB down and that is great. To see load data statistics you can use Google Chrome “Developer Tools”. You go to Wrench Icon -> Tools -> Developer Tools and click on the Network tab. Then you clear your history and reload page. You will see all that is loading on a time line where you can see what is taking longer or slower. In the bottom it shows “xx MB transferred”.

    Edit: You can also click on “Size” title to sort requests by size so you can compare.


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