Quick Chat


Quick Chat is released under GPLv2 license.

Quick Chat Demo



WordPress has given a lot to the Linux community and to me personally so I've decided to give something back by making WordPress plugin for all of us to use. We all like to chat so I've decided to extend WordPress with quick and lightweight Ajax chat plugin. I've also decided to name this WordPress plugin "Quick Chat".


Here are some of the features of Quick Chat WordPress chat plugin:

  • New in v4.10: Implement automatic private messages and chat rooms daily cleanup using WordPress cron API
  • Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
  • Add feature to configure which WordPress user role has Quick Chat moderator capability
  • Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Chat update (See FAQ for more)
  • Supports Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to chat nicknames
  • You can set timeout for disabling updates to inactive user
  • Supports multiple private 1 on 1 chat sessions
  • Can filter bad words from your chat rooms
  • Admin users can easily download chat room transcripts
  • Besides gravatar.com avatars, local avatar plugins are also supported
  • Includes admin dashboard widget to chat with other admin users from your site backend
  • Has message input box character counter to limit message size
  • Allows admin users to instantly ban chat participant IP from chat
  • Has chat participants list for both sidebar and embedded chat
  • Site registered users can have their chat nicknames reserved
  • Site admins can reserve additional list of chat nicknames
  • Supports incoming messages sound notification for modern browsers
  • Supports unlimited number of separate chat rooms
  • User interface is translation friendly (translation template, Croatian, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Estonian, French, Finnish and Welsh (some partial) translation files provided)
  • Integrates with WordPress user accounts to use login name as chat nickname
  • Comes with quality set of emoticons to spice up your chat experience
  • Saves your website bandwidth by sending AJAX requests only when there are new messages


  • PHP 5
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.3
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.6
  • Current version: Quick Chat 4.13


You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Chat WordPress.org installation page.


You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Chat WordPress.org FAQ page.


You can find up to date change log on Quick Chat WordPress.org changelog page.

Your donations

Quick Chat is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Chat free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Your feedback

Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using Contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.

Quick Chat stable version

Quick Chat is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:

DOWNLOAD Quick Chat 4.13 from WordPress.org

Quick Chat next version

If you have time and want to help making Quick Chat better you can test Quick Chat testing versions on your server and post feedback. Quick Chat version posted here will be uploaded to WordPress.org once it is reasonably stable.

Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.

Quick Chat old versions

If latest Quick Chat version isn't working for you, here you can find download links to some of the older Quick Chat versions. I recommend that you use latest version if possible:


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1,481 thoughts on “Quick Chat

  1. IgorOkCJ

    Sorry to give you administrator rights I can not!
    I can only say one thing that I notice notes that I want to delete and click on the words “Delete” – then the result of nothing happening (the message is not deleted). It seems that this feature does not work! Couldn understand what is wrong, and where to find the fix? Help please!
    Thanks in advance! πŸ™‚

  2. Marko Author


    I totally understand about not giving admin account πŸ˜‰ The thing I would do is to use say Firefox with Firebug plugin. You turn firebug on, and switch to the net tab, and XHR subtab. Then you refresh Quick Chat page so that firebug could start tracking. On the call list you will see periodic call to admin-ajax.php, this is normal operation for updating messages. When you click delete another ajax call is spawned. Then you can send me all info on that call. You will see it by clicking on the + sign next to it. There you will have Headers, Post, Response and JSON tabs with valuable date to be examined by me to see what went wrong. The Post and Response tabs are the most important. Cheers!

  3. A Fan

    @IgorOkCJ @Marko

    I am noticing the same behavior. Administrator users cannot delete messages nor chat with v1.82. Non-admin users can still chat, though.

    See XHR post and reponse here. Looks like an empty response from wp-admin.php :


  4. Marko Author

    @A Fan


    Thanks for you XHR data, I’m examining it but it will be hard to see why isn’t server returning anything. I’ll go trough my code and try to detect what can be wrong. The only thing that might cause empty response is that nonce isn’t accepted on the server side (security feature I’ve added in 1.80 release). I have two local servers, and two remote ones that make no problem with QC 1.82 messages delete code as it is. Expect archive with testing QC version soon, so you could test. Thanks for your reports cheers!

    Edit:Here is the quick-chat.php file that you should use to replace your Quick Chat 1.82 quick-chat.php. If the feature I suspect is making problems, when you try to delete messages it will place “Nonce rejected” inside message history container instead of refreshing message container when message is successfully deleted. Can someone who is having problems deleting messages with QC 1.82 please test this and try to delete message and report back? Thanks.

    Quick Chat 1.82 quick-chat.php for debugging delete ajax command

  5. Benjamin

    Hi, i installed quick chat 2 weeks ago, and it function, since today. When i write a message and try to send it clicking on Enter, nothing happens. But i have the wp_footer function in my footer.php.
    Can you help me? Thanks

  6. Marko Author


    Hi! The problem is that you have Quick Chat in your theme footer. This way its variables are passed from php to js before chat is displayed so chat doesn’t work. You have two options, one to move chat out of footer (but it looks great there) or to change one of QC parameters to try to load variables later. On the line of 552 of quick-chat.php (version 1.83 you have) you have line:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'quick_chat_localize', 1);

    First thing you can do is try to change it like this what will lessen its priority and load it later (10 instead of 1). Just replace that line of code with:

    add_action('wp_footer', 'quick_chat_localize', 10);

    If this doesn’t work you can try to load at something later than wp_footer by replacing with this:

    add_action('wp_print_footer_scripts', 'quick_chat_localize');

    or even this:

    add_action('shutdown', 'quick_chat_localize');

    The first method should work and it is the cleanest one. It would mean a lot to me if you could report your results so I could tweak Quick Chat according to your findings to avoid this kind of problems in the future. Thanks

    Edit: I did a lot of research. It looks like your theme is loading wp_footer(); before it prints out the bottom widget area. If that is true, there is no way QC will work correct because wp_footer(); should be the last thing before closing body and html tags. Here is how it should be done inside your theme footer.php:

    ... other footer stuff like footer widget area ...

    <?php wp_footer(); ?>

  7. Steve

    Hello Marko, how are you ? I just downloaded the 1.83 version of quick chat … thank you. It’s great except for one thing. The audio doesn’t work. Question: Should the embed code be [quick-chat room="members_lounge_chat_room"] (for my page specific chat room) or [quick-chat room="members_lounge_chat_room_string"] ? Does this matter ? I tried both ways and it works except with no sound. What can I do to enable the sound ? I checked the box in the config page but no go. Please advise. Best regards, Steve

  8. Marko Author


    Hi Steve I’m fine thanks. How are you? About audio this is the thing… First of all you need modern browser (Firefox 3.5+, Google Chrome 6+, Opera 10.5+ or Internet Explorer 9). Second I’ve changed some behavior in Quick Chat 1.83. In the Quick Chat 1.83 changelog you can find “Play messages notification sound only on incoming message (checked by message sender IP address)”. This means that Quick Chat will play message notification for everyone except message sender because that makes more sense. If all this isn’t problem, I can test your site (I guess i need to register first) and check it out?

    Edit: About the string expression it really isn’t important. By string I meant any word or phrase that will be used to identify this chat room. It could be [quick-chat room="1234"], [quick-chat room="word"] or [quick-chat room="anything_else"].

  9. IgorOkCJ

    Do not understand! Is it only me does not “delete messages”?? What is wrong? What a solution of this problem?
    New versions of quick chat and did not give any positive result! : (

  10. Marko Author


    Hi. Sorry to hear delete still isn’t working for you. I gave you some instructions you never replied. I’ll repeat them:

    Marko :


    I totally understand about not giving admin account ;) The thing I would do is to use say Firefox with Firebug plugin. You turn firebug on, and switch to the net tab, and XHR subtab. Then you refresh Quick Chat page so that firebug could start tracking. On the call list you will see periodic call to admin-ajax.php, this is normal operation for updating messages. When you click delete another ajax call is spawned. Then you can send me all info on that call. You will see it by clicking on the + sign next to it. There you will have Headers, Post, Response and JSON tabs with valuable date to be examined by me to see what went wrong. The Post and Response tabs are the most important. Cheers!

  11. IgorOkCJ

    Unfortunately, I have never worked and did not deal with this plugin – Firebug. So I will hardly make a report about this error! How else to go through to fix this problem?

  12. Marko Author


    I would really like to solve this one but now I don’t know what to say. Without information I can’t help you. You’re not giving me your admin account (I also probably wouldn’t give it to anyone) and you don’t want to debug your self. You can use some other chat but if that one brakes you will once again need to get your hands dirty. Sorry but you can’t be web site admin without learning how to use tools like Firebug, it is essential. Hope you make it work, if you obtain any debug info about this problem just post here and I will do what I can to help. Cheers!

  13. vignesh

    How r u..bro…i just installed your quck chat plugin to one of my client’s blog..I hope..it will work perfectly…if i get any problems,i will let u know..

    Thank you so much for this kind of plugins..

  14. Steve Doran

    @Marko Hey Marko, how are you? Thank you for your response. I understand about the sound for incoming messages only … yes, that makes sense. But, I tested it with my wife on her computer and me with mine, and we were able to chat, but her computer (and older notebook with an older browser I assume) did’t have the toggle/delete feature, which is probably very important. What do you think? Is it possble to make the toggle/delete feature available for all browers, not just new browers? Please advise. Thank you! Steve

  15. A Fan


    I have been using your plugin for simultaneous chats with 30+ users. I did notice a high load on the server as a result of many people making AJAX calls to the server. I had a suggestion that might help in case anyone else experiences this.

    My suggestion would be to cache the database SELECT queries for all the users. Essentially, the SELECT query could run once and cache the data in a temporary cache file. For subsequent calls, if the cache file exists, all the other update AJAX calls could pull from that file rather than make another query to the database.

    When a new message comes in, the function that runs the INSERT statement could simply delete the cache file so a new one would be generated on the next AJAX update call.

    I know most blogs probably don’t have high traffic, but if enough visitors are on a site, this could make a big impact.

    Keep up the great work! It’s nice to see how far this plugin has come!

  16. Marko Author

    @A Fan

    Hi! What you propose is definitely something to look into. But I’m little afraid of poor performance when accessing cache file vs db but that could be examined. Really good idea, thanks!

  17. Marko Author

    @Steve Doran

    Hi Steve, this is the thing. The sound notification depends on browser ability to play sound. But the delete ability depends on are you admin user or not, and it is shown on any browser if current loggedin user has WordPress site administrator status. Only admin users can delete messages, i think that also makes sense? If you have any more questions, or what I’ve explained works differently on you site feel free to report here. Cheers!

  18. A Fan


    Perfomance would be much faster using a cache file than querying the database each time. I have used this type of caching on a PHP/MySQL site before and noticed huge improvements, even with just one SELECT query.

    I user PHP’s Cache_Lite, which could definitely be used for Quick Chat:


    See two comments on bottom of the page that discusses how to handle caching and database updates.

    This would be easy to benchmark, too. But I think I can safely say reading a small cache file from disk is almost always faster than running any query on a database.

    Best wishes.

  19. Ivan

    Looking great and works great in FF & Crome, but dosenΒ΄t work properly in Explorer9 (ver. 9.0.8112.16421) ?
    Also the chat on this site, have this problem?
    Best regards

  20. Marko Author


    Hi Ivan. I’ve tested earlier today with IE 9, IE8 and IE7 and it worked fine. I also test with all major browsers before every release. Can you please confirm with IE on some other PC? Can someone else confirm QC not working with IE on their PC? I don’t recommend IE, but QC works with any IE as much as Microsoft allowed with its broken software named IE. All should work fine except audio notifications on IE older than IE9 where I’ve disabled audio option because MS makes crappy software.

  21. cw

    i want to post 5 of these on one page, and make them very small. i only want to have the messages showing that are moving within the chat but not the area where you can chat like i am writing in now. i then prompt them to go to the next page where they can see the entire chat including where to text on the full page. will i be able to do that with this?

  22. Marko Author


    Hi it is doable but with some Quick Chat code modification. If you are ok with php, jquery and css, there will be no problem. But it isn’t as simple as changing single line of code. Cheers!

  23. Shane Craig

    First let me thank you for your excellent chat plugin. I use the chat on my sidebar as a widget and it works very well, except sometimes it causes the site to load almost indefinitely. You can literally just leave the site up for hours and come back to find it still “loading”. Granted, everything is rendered and usable, but it still says its not done.

    I have narrowed it down to the chat by removing it and watching the problem go away. Just wondering if theres a fix.


  24. Marko Author

    @Shane Craig

    Hi! This is a known issue but it is something that isn’t Quick Chat fault and I can’t fix it. You are using Google Chrome or Chromium browser? There is a bug in all current versions of Chrome/Chrommium that makes this browsers keep spinning wheel like page is loading when long polling is used on a page. Quick Chat uses long polling for getting message updates. Here’s the bug report so you can check out more info:


    This bug is fixed a few days ago but it will take time for this fix to propagate to the next Chrome/Chromium version. Even if this browsers indicate the page is loading it is fully loaded and Quick Chat is fully operational. If you are not using Chrome can you please post browser and version you are using when this problem happens? Thanks, cheers!

  25. fastharry


    Marko, remind him, if he is using Chrome, to change that setting you told me about…Works like a charm..my value is set to 5000….Also, is there a way to change the host name?…I really don’t want my admin name being the one posted..

  26. Marko Author


    Hi! The thing I’ve shown you is a dirty workaround for this Chrome bug that has its own side effects. About default display name, I’ve used it because I needed something unique and login name is unique. You can change name after your site is loaded and it will place cookie with your new name that will last for full browser session (username cookie expiration time can also be tweaked). But yes, I could work more on the whole username thing for Quick Chat in the future πŸ˜‰

    Edit:Also you can take a look at this but be careful and make backups before you attempt this:

  27. fastharry

    Hi Marko…It might be a dirty workaround, but it works great…BTW, Do I still need that with the new version?…As far as Admin names, I do use that plug in, works great…I wanted a long range change so I can answer as “the Crew”, or whatever I want…Lets face it, not everyone’s admin name is gonna be suitable to be the name they want to answer with…Glad to see you like the suggestion..good talking with you again..

  28. Marko Author


    About Chrome bug, yes the workaround is still needed but I don’t like to recommend it because it solves problem for some people but not for some other people. The best way is to wait bug fix from Chromium devs to propagate to current Chrome/Chromium. As for the chat names I see room for an improvement. I just need to think how to handle it, if you have some concrete behavior suggestions on how/what exactly to implement feel free to share. Cheers!

  29. Bill

    I have a problem with the “bad words” list. I put some words in it but it still shows on the window when i write them…
    Here is the begining of the list “pnc-training.fr, pute, pnc-training, training.fr,”
    thanks for your help…

  30. Bill

    well, it is “funny”… When i star a new discussion with a bad words it doesn’t show but if i write one again it shows!!!… Thanks

  31. Marko Author


    Hi Bill. The first thing you must check is are you posting dirty words as admin user. Admin users are excluded from all restrictions including bad words filter. If this is not the case please leave reply and we will see where is the problem.

  32. fastharry


    Hi Marko. I know there is a little box where I can change the name I chat with as admin…but that doesn’t change the fact that the admin default name is still displayed…I would keep it simple and just add an option for the default admin name…..Be well my friend..

  33. Marko Author


    What you propose would be easy. If I understood right, I could add an admin option where admins could put single name that would by default represent any admin user on the site (some sites have multiple admin users)? I could put username “Admin” as a default name but some users would probably change this into the name of their firm or web page or something like that and put option to enable and disable this kind of behavior and return to the current login name scheme? Is this ok?

  34. cw

    hi, great work! if i want to embed quick chat into a page or post add a name of the chat room, create the proper height and put the user list on one side or the other….. how do i write that out to embed it?

  35. Big Geek Daddy

    Hi Marko,

    Plugin is working great! Two feature requests if possible:

    1. For widget could you add an option to choose a specific page/post for the widget to only appear on in the sidebar. For all other pages/posts with that sidebar that area of the sidebar would just collapse and show next widget in sidebar list.

    2. Add a Pop Out box feature like what is available on UStream (Pete’s Pond Webcam is an example).


  36. Bill

    New question: is there a way to add a google adsense script just below the text box where we can change the user name ?

    And one more: is there any type of admin command line to admin user like “kick”, “ban”… ?


  37. Marko Author


    Adding adsense is not complicated but requires modifying quick chat code. Express ban isn’t possible now but it is a good idea, it goes right in my QC-TODO.txt πŸ™‚ I could connect it with existing IP block feature.

  38. Marko Author


    You first need to decide where do you want to place Quick Chat? Than you find the appropriate PHP file from your theme folder and paste <?php echo quick_chat_display_chat(500,’default’,1,’left’); ?> inside chosen file.

  39. Bill

    It is right in the quick-chat page that i would like to place it, juste below the user name window and above the text window… So i think i have to find the place in the quick-chat.php but didn’t succeed… If you can help…

  40. Marko Author

    Hi Bill. I’ve made modifications you need but it wasn’t trivial because adding elements broke some functionality so Javascript code needed to be modified along with PHP and CSS. I can send it to you for a small donation fee (you choose amount), after all we’re talking adsense revenue here? I think this is OK, don’t you? If you think I’m not entitled to this just say so and I will send it to you for free πŸ˜‰

  41. fastharry

    Marko :
    What you propose would be easy. If I understood right, I could add an admin option where admins could put single name that would by default represent any admin user on the site (some sites have multiple admin users)? I could put username β€œAdmin” as a default name but some users would probably change this into the name of their firm or web page or something like that and put option to enable and disable this kind of behavior and return to the current login name scheme? Is this ok?

    Perfect…Give them the choice of a default name…and leave the little white box so they can chane it on the fly. The main thing is getting rid of the default name (admin log in name), giving the choice of a default admin name, and leaving the admin choice box where it is…

  42. Bill

    You should get a donation soon as i just made it πŸ˜‰ If you could give me a link to donwload il i would appreciate rather than having an email an a board πŸ˜‰


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