Quick Chat


Quick Chat is released under GPLv2 license.

Quick Chat Demo



WordPress has given a lot to the Linux community and to me personally so I've decided to give something back by making WordPress plugin for all of us to use. We all like to chat so I've decided to extend WordPress with quick and lightweight Ajax chat plugin. I've also decided to name this WordPress plugin "Quick Chat".


Here are some of the features of Quick Chat WordPress chat plugin:

  • New in v4.10: Implement automatic private messages and chat rooms daily cleanup using WordPress cron API
  • Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
  • Add feature to configure which WordPress user role has Quick Chat moderator capability
  • Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Chat update (See FAQ for more)
  • Supports Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to chat nicknames
  • You can set timeout for disabling updates to inactive user
  • Supports multiple private 1 on 1 chat sessions
  • Can filter bad words from your chat rooms
  • Admin users can easily download chat room transcripts
  • Besides gravatar.com avatars, local avatar plugins are also supported
  • Includes admin dashboard widget to chat with other admin users from your site backend
  • Has message input box character counter to limit message size
  • Allows admin users to instantly ban chat participant IP from chat
  • Has chat participants list for both sidebar and embedded chat
  • Site registered users can have their chat nicknames reserved
  • Site admins can reserve additional list of chat nicknames
  • Supports incoming messages sound notification for modern browsers
  • Supports unlimited number of separate chat rooms
  • User interface is translation friendly (translation template, Croatian, Italian, Czech, Romanian, Spanish, Dutch, Chinese, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, German, Slovenian, Ukrainian, Estonian, French, Finnish and Welsh (some partial) translation files provided)
  • Integrates with WordPress user accounts to use login name as chat nickname
  • Comes with quality set of emoticons to spice up your chat experience
  • Saves your website bandwidth by sending AJAX requests only when there are new messages


  • PHP 5
  • Requires at least: WordPress 3.3
  • Tested up to: WordPress 3.6
  • Current version: Quick Chat 4.13


You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Chat WordPress.org installation page.


You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Chat WordPress.org FAQ page.


You can find up to date change log on Quick Chat WordPress.org changelog page.

Your donations

Quick Chat is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Chat free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Chat useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.

Your feedback

Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using Contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.

Quick Chat stable version

Quick Chat is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:

DOWNLOAD Quick Chat 4.13 from WordPress.org

Quick Chat next version

If you have time and want to help making Quick Chat better you can test Quick Chat testing versions on your server and post feedback. Quick Chat version posted here will be uploaded to WordPress.org once it is reasonably stable.

Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.


  • Not yet available.

Quick Chat old versions

If latest Quick Chat version isn't working for you, here you can find download links to some of the older Quick Chat versions. I recommend that you use latest version if possible:


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1,481 thoughts on “Quick Chat

  1. noë

    Thanks, Marko. I guess I’ll have to clean up my site and try again. I don’t blame you for not wanting to support IE, but sadly, I have to. Thanks for taking the time to help me.

  2. Marko Author


    I understand your position but I haven’t been able to reproduce this IE glitch on my sites (two online sites and my local devel site) so I don’t know what to fix 🙂 I won’t stop trying, also if you have time try to monitor your IE error console where there will probably be error message when updates break (you go to Tools -> Developer tools or something like that). Cheers!

  3. cw

    hi Marko.
    1.) how do i add my own sound again? you told me and i cannot find your answer. do i find an Mp3 first and record that to itunes or something… then go from there? or am i already wrong? :o) (sorry, newbie. you describe things on my level and i thank you for that)

    2.) can you recommend a sidebar widget that allows me to upload and feature video from my iphone 4? one that is easy, like yours?

    3.) i lost my Gravatar when i last got messed up on here and you helped me. where does one go to pull it back up again? they look great on QC :o)

  4. Marko Author


    Hi, I’m glad to be of assistance:

    1. First you must find sound file and crop it to something under one second. Then you convert that same sound file into three formats wav, mp3 and ogg. You have a lot of programs to do that, on Linux I recommend Audacity (it is cross platform open source actually). Then you name that three files message-sound.wav, message-sound.mp3 and message-sound.ogg and replace files inside “quick-chat/sound” directory.

    2. Sorry no plugin comes to my mind 🙂

    3. Gravatas are glued to your email using gravatar.com page where you register with that email and upload avatar. You then use that email address wherever you want you avatar to appear. QC will read that email for logged in users and fetch gravatar from gravatar.com.


  5. cw

    thank you marko

    1. oh my, it doesn’t sound like a can figure that one out… too new at this.

    2. bummer. is it possible to load video from iphone to a video widget at all?

    3. i had a homemade avatar… i am currently lost 🙁

  6. David Larr

    Dear programmer, I have to say I am very happy with the new possibilites you have enabled. We are developing a free community for the international shipping industries. Anyone, whether you make something, buy something, provide logistics, we want them to join this community. We see endless possibilities for international trade to improve. To have a common community where everyone can participate will only help promote more trade internationally which will help the world economy. We want to have the chat feature so that members can chat together privately discussing a business deal or how their family is doing. Can you modify the structure to make it easier to select one member to chat with. Maybe add a buzz feature so that if the other member is not on the screen it will make a noise on their computer alerting them that someone wants to chat. Please let me know if you are getting this message. I would be honored to provide feedback as much as you are willing to listen. Best regards, David

  7. Fili

    When i use this chat in my wordpress website when i click “Enter” it doesn’t send the message like here… anyone have a idea to resolve it ?

  8. Marko Author


    Hi, you should test with WordPress default theme and try to disable other plugins one by one until you find the one that doesn’t work well with Quick Chat. Then you report here so I could try to find workaround. You should make sure you have no WP Super Cache or WP Minify plugins installed because they are incompatible with Quick Chat. Cheers!

  9. common8308

    Thank you for providing a great chat plugin ever, Marko. My site members are 100% satisfied about this whole new chat system.

    One issue our members have is the sound option toggling, when a user set the default setting as “sound ON”, the sound setting is set to ON again when the user refreshes or browses the blog’s other pages. (even though the user disabled the sound before browsing..)

    Current situation is that when the user refreshes/browses the site, the chat alarm sound setting goes back to default setting.(so it’s very annoying to certain members if the members don’t like the default setting.)

    Could you consider using cookie kind of thing when developing the sound toggle in the next version?

    1. Marko Author

      Hi. I’m glad your users like Quick Chat. The thing in the past was that sound feature was global and the cookie was set when user turned sound on or off. In v2.30 I’ve implemented per chat window sound control but have removed cookie because I had no time to adjust cookie with new per chat way of controlling sound. In the next version I will implement it again, thanks for reminding me. I’ve added this to the TODO list here on this page so I won’t forget. Cheers!

  10. Toothball


    I’ve discovered a bug. Not sure if it’s in Quick Chat or my theme (Mystique). I’m using Mystique 3.0.9 theme and Quick Chat refuses to work (as in I can’t submit messages or use smilies). Once I switch to another theme (like the default Twenty Eleven), Quick Chat works again.

    Is there a fix? I would love to use it as a quick tool to keep in contact with my team members.

    1. Toothball

      Also I have disabled every plugin I have installed and none of them are interfering with Quick Chat. It seems only the Mystique theme for some reason kills the QC plugin.

      1. Marko Author

        Hi. I’ve just installed Mystique 3.0.9 on fresh WP 3.2.1 install and it works. Could it be that some of your modification is making problems? If I could reproduce your problem I would help…

        1. Toothball

          Hmm. I deleted all my plugins and then redownload and reinstalled QC 2.30. Still the same problem.

          (Sorry for the double comment, could you remove the one below?)

          1. Marko Author

            I’m sad to see you struggling to make Quick Chat work with your theme but I can’t really know what breaks it. If you could post your link with Quick Chat enabled I might take a look? Again on my server Mistique and QC work fine, really weird.

          2. Toothball

            I feel like pulling my hair out. I just installed QC into another WP site I manage also with Mystique 3.0.9 and it works there (with almost the same plugins). But for some reason it doesn’t work on my company site.

            Company Site: http://www.toothballinteractive.com/

            (I just reinstalled QC again to no avail. I don’t know why I’m only getting it on just this site.)

          3. Toothball

            I think I finally figured out what the problem was. I had the “Optimize website for faster loading” checked. I should have gone over the FAQ more thoroughly.

            Thanks for trying to help me Marko! I feel so relieved now that I finally got it working and it was a setting I had overlooked.

  11. Toothball

    Discovered another problem. With Quick Chat enabled, Simple Press’s (forum plugin) post edit options can’t pop-up. Could this be a AJAX conflict or something?

    1. Toothball

      I posted about the problem on the Simple Press support forums: http://simple-press.com/support-forum/simple-press-version-440/alternative-option-for-editing-posts/#p87116

      It seems the problem is a JQuery conflict. From a previous thread on the forum about the same conflict, there’s an explanation that seems to explain how the conflict could be resolved: http://simple-press.com/support-forum/simple-press-version-440/ssp-v-4-4-5-edit-button-not-functioning/page-2/#p87083

      Is there a possibility a future update might fight this issue I’m having?

      1. Marko Author

        I am aware of issues with Simple Press as I’ve tried to install it on my local server and test with Quick Chat. That was horrible experience. Simple Press is very poor from the technical point of view and its authors obviously code with wordpress and PHP debugging errors hidden or they would avoid million of warnings and notices their code produces. Also it uses tables for layout so just looking at the code gives you headache. I know this is no comfort to you that need Simple Press. As for the post you’ve pointed out Quick Chat is doing everything “by the book”, it loads WordPress included jQuery version and it uses it in no conflict mode. Ill test SimplePress some more but can’t promise anything.

        1. Toothball

          Hmm, I don’t know how messy or problematic SF’s code is but there are some design decisions I wish they avoided (like the JQuery + JS pop-up edit menu).

          Hopefully there can be some workaround that you guys can figure so I can put QC back on the sidebar. Right now, I have it shortcoded on a dedicated page. Having QC run on the sidebar while viewing my forums causes an infinite loading for that pop-up menu.

  12. Winfried

    Thanks, Marko, very nice plugin with great features!

    But isn’t it possible to use the WP Avatars instead of the gravatar functionality, or when the use of gravatars is deactivated?

    Is there any workaround to do this?

    Thank you.

    1. Marko Author

      Unfortunately I must write code to support anything other than gravatars. I will do it in the future definitely but can’t say exactly when. Cheers!

      1. Winfried

        Hi Marko, thanks for your quick reply.

        I coded something that works for me in the meantime, and I tried to share it here, but obviously it is not allowed to post code.

        So let me know, if you’re interested.

        1. Marko Author

          There are no restrictions on posting code inside comments so if you aren’t able to post your code something isn’t working. Inside Quick Chat there are restrictions and chat messages are deleted from time to time so better to post your code inside comments or to send it to me using Contact form, thanks.

  13. Steve

    Hey Marko, thanks so much for your hard work. Question: The avatar/gravatar doesn’t work on my site for chat … what can I do? Please advise. Thanks again!

    1. Marko Author

      Hi! Long page loading problem unfortunately isn’t Quick Chat issue. I say unfortunately because I would definitely do something to avoid this issue if that wasn’t the case. It happens only on WebKit based browsers browsers. WebKit is rendering engine used by Chrome/Chromium/Safari and it has bug that manifests by inability to detect that the page is fully loaded when using long polling technique Quick Chat is using. The page is fully loaded and functional but WebKit based browsers keep treating it like it is still loading. Non WebKit based browsers like Firefox and IE don’t have this problem. Good news is that this bug is fixed and I’ve tested Chrome 15 beta and it is resolved. More about this bug here:


      All we can do is to wait for Google Chrome/Chromium 15 to be released. Also Safari and other WebKit browsers will include this bugfix in one of the future releases. Cheers!

  14. fastharryDOTcom

    Hey Marko…I see by the preceding posts’ you have nothing to do and plenty of spare time, LOL….And when I saw the To-Do list, I figured maybe I can throw a reminder out to come up with a toggle to show that the admin is online to chat…or maybe something that posts a sign that says “chat is available” or “live” or something along those lines.

    I know that my name is listed in the online users section so everyone should notice whether we are online or not…but of course, they do not…

    And the only way to NOT show we are online is to log out of WordPress…..So what happens is, I forget to log out and people think we are there to chat and we are not…Thanks..

    Hey, did you ever get your money from that bonehead who didn’t pay you?

    Best Regards,


    1. Marko Author

      Hi Harry the thing is I don’t have a lot of spare time, I just sleep less and less. I’m not doing things like Quick Chat to amuse my self or “kill some time”. I like coding and letting large user base to use that code and report bugs. This way I learn 10 times faster then doing coding and testing myself. I guess that’s what open source is all about.

      I have your requests here and I will see what can be done in the future.

      That bonehead didn’t pay at the end. It was like 5 days work I would have done that code anyway because when someone presents me with problem I solve it, I can’t help it. I’ve also used that work to refresh TechyTalk WP theme a bit. I’m just sad that we live in the world where trusting anyone is mistake 😉

    1. Marko Author

      Hi I’ve looked into it and QC doesn’t work because a plugin (located in /wp-content/plugins/profiles folder I guess you know what plugin it is) overruns WP default jQuery version with very old 1.2.3 version. That old version doesn’t have what it takes to run QC because it is a few years old. All plugin developers should load WP supplied jQuery version instead of loading their own jQuery version because that applies to all plugins loaded after such bad plugin. Bad programming practice, If you don’t know how to modify this plugin to load jQuery the right way you can contact me and we’ll think something out. Cheers!

        1. Marko Author

          Actually your theme author should be the one to explain what was he trying to accomplish when he forced old jQuery version for his theme’s users. I can try to fix this theme of yours but I must have access to this theme files and some spare time to do it right. You need to have a buck or two for my time 😉 Or you can just delete Quick Chat and until you find the next plugin that needs jQuery > 1.2.3 you’ll be alright this option also makes sense if you don’t really need chat on your page.

  15. Winfried

    Hi Marko,

    there is a problem with the popular s2Member-plugin. As administrator I’m able to use the chat, but any logged in user isn’t.

    Do you have an idea, perhaps as a starting point for looking by myself?


  16. Winfried

    Sorry, I have to correct my previous post. The problems are not about collaborating with the s2Member-plugin, but with the “Theme my profile”-plugin.

    Deactivating “theme my profile” solves the issues…

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Winfried. Thanks for reporting this and especially thanks for finding out what triggers problem, that makes my job much easier. I’ll look into it and post here when I find out what can be done. Thanks again.

  17. Richard

    Just noticed that the time is off from my location. When I check the settings in wordpress, the UTC and local time is correct on my site, just not when people post in QC. It’s about four hours behind my current time.

        1. Marko Author

          Interesting, can you check other plugins and your WordPress posts timestamps are they correct. QC gets it’s time the same way WP does so that’s worth investigating. There is small possibility that server time is wrong but if it is commercial hosting this probably isn’t the case.

          1. Richard

            Everything else is working on the correct time, this is the only plugin that the time is off. When I check the settings, it shows the correct UTC time and local time.

        2. Marko Author

          Sorry Richard I really don’t know what to say because fetching time with WP API is almost trivial and if timezone and server settings are correct I don’t see what can go wrong.

            1. Marko Author

              Hello, first thing that caught my eye is tat you are using WordPress caching plugin. As stated inside FAQ Quick Chat doesn’t support caching plugins and this is probably the reason for the delay. Also it is necessary to setup time zone in WordPress settings but I guess you’ve already done that?

              1. ericjt

                I turned caching off yesterday and uninstalled the plugin for it and it still is off. Says its 6 earlier than it is. Time zone is set to Los Angeles and always has been. Chat was working when the cache pi was installed. Just the time is wrong. Is there a way for the chat to get my time another way? Like from the browser or computer instead of from wp? Thank for looking into it.

              2. ericjt

                I think people are looking at it and seeing the time stamp is not their “now” and are not responding when I greet them. They think nobody is there now and probably don’t realize what the bird twittering is for. I didn’t at first.

              3. ericjt

                Hey, at great thing to add would be to have the chat area automatically resize up to x # of pixels per settings but is smaller if no chat messages have come in. I don’t love the big empty space it leaves otherwise. Looks odd when empty.

    1. Marko Author

      I’ve looked at your site and this is what’s wrong. Your theme is overriding WP provided jQuery version (1.6.1 for WP 3.2.1) with old jQuery version 1.3.2. That is poor programming practice from your theme author. Quick Chat can’t work with that old jQuery version because it lacks necessary functionality. I see this problem at least once a week especially with non free themes. The fix is to change this theme code to load WP provided jQuery version instead of old jQuery version bundled with it, this is the way it should be done in the first place. Generally it isn’t hard to do this but you must know some php and WordPress API. You should do it your self or find someone who can do it for you. If you have nobody to fix this you can contact me and we can arrange something. Anyways you should deal with this because all plugins that need jQuery > 1.3.2 won’t work with your theme. Cheers!

        1. Marko Author

          Most non free themes do this because it is safer for devs to risk jQuery version being to old for other plugins then making sure their theme works with future jQuery versions. When you find theme if it has jQuery library included with it’s file that means author is doing this nasty thing. But it is almost trivial to make any theme plugin use WP included jQuery version if this new version isn’t breaking this theme, something that author who sells this theme should deal with. He doesn’t want to deal with this and this is why most payed themes come with their own soon-to-be outdated jQuery versions.

    1. Marko Author

      I’m glad you like Quick Chat, I’m working hard to make it better when ever I find free time 😉

      About smilies yes it is possible to add new smilies but you need to know thing or two about CSS sprites. The biggest problem about adding smilies is to find some free quality smilies. If I had time to make them my self I would have add them to Quick Chat already. If you can provide quality 16×16 smilies I would be glad to add them to Quick Chat?

  18. Ben

    hi – my first install of quickchat, works great, it’s exactly what I’ve been looking for – except in Chrome for OSX, the user appears in the user list but I can’t post anything into the chat window (using either the enter key or the “send” button), and ajax updates don’t push new chat from other users into the browser… but it seems to work here on this (your) page using Chrome/OSX just fine, so I assume it must be a configuration problem on my server side… but I haven’t modified the installation at all. Is there something I should be looking for?

  19. Ben

    oh, an additional note for my previous post – it works fine on my site in other browsers, Chrome is the only one giving me fits. Thanks!

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Ben, most probably it is some kind of conflict you can consult Chrome developer console for any error posted when trying to send messages. Also you can paste you site with chat link here and I will try to find time to check it out (please enable debug option from your quick chat admin options). I’m a bit tight with free time but paste link here and I will debug it as soon as I can 😉

  20. GemGfx

    Hello Marko,

    Outstanding plugin. It’s just what I’ve been looking for to allow for a chat feature on a gaming site that I manage. It has all the features I was looking for. Not too much, not too little. Again great work.

    Just a note though, I’m having a problem with the smileys. When someone clicks to add a smiley to their chat, it returns a message “undefinedundefinedundefined” on an on in the chat window. Here’s the link if you would like to see what I’m talking about.


    I’m currently in the process of trying to find what is causing this. It’s a bit difficult, for if you type the symbols yourself, the smileys come up fine. I’m pretty sure it’s a plugin conflict of some kind just have to find it.

    Again, great work on this plugin.

    1. Marko Author

      Hi! This undefined happens for some WP configurations I haven’t found the reason why, but I’m working on it. It is caused by fading effect when clicking on smilies and it is gone when this effect is removed from js file.

      The procedure for doing this is very easy especially if you know a bit of jQuery. Here’s how:

      1. Turn on the “Debug mode” in QC admin options. If you don’t want to run QC in Debug mode permanently read this and don’t turn the debug mod on. If not Turn on the “Debug mode” on and continue to 2nd step:

        When Debug mode is turned on QC uses not-minified quick-chat.js file instead of minified quick-chat.min.js file. quick-chat.min.js is created using quick-chat.js and Google Closure Compiler service http://closure-compiler.appspot.com/home. This is done for performance reasons. If you don’t want to run QC in debug mode first go to 2. and modify quick-chat.js and then paste this modified quick-chat.js code into Google Closure Compiler. What you get after “compiling” just paste into quick-chat.min.js and you don’t have to use “Debug mode”, QC will load little faster when not in Debug mode.

      2. The only file you need to modify is quick-chat.js nothing else, modification is easy once you do it so here it is. Open your quick-chat.js and go to:

        Modify your quick-chat.js like I’ve modified it on this link or copy paste the right side code into your quick-chat.js. This diffchecker.com link will be valid for 30 days so do some screen shots or something so you have procedure in the future. Any problems post here and I’ll try to assist when I find some time. Good luck!

      1. GemGfx

        Hello Marko,

        I want to sincerely thank you for your help with this. Your solution was easy to follow, and it worked like a charm. Much thanks again. I’ve dedicated an article on our blog to your plugin, and I’ve also shared it on our Facebook page and Twitter.


        It was the least I could do. My sincerest thanks again.

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Jan. Can you please post link with Quick Chat so I could test it out? Also did you upgrade Quick Chat or install/add any new plugins/themes when it stopped working?

        1. Marko Author

          The first thing I see that’s probably causing problems is that you have WP Super Cache. Quick Chat isn’t compatible with WP Super Cache because of it’s real time nature. So you need to remove WP Super Cache or make an exception on the page where you have placed Quick Chat. If you are using QC sidebar widget then you can’t get away with exception, you need to disable WP Super Cache. I’m not familiar with WP Super Cache but I guess you can post as admin because it doesn’t cache pages for admin users. You can try to disable WP Super Cache and test again.

        2. Marko Author

          Something is broken. Quick Chat Ajax requests return with “Reload the page to get source for: http://wingchunpai.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php” with code 302 – Moved temporarily . Unfortunately I can’t be much of assistance but it smells like cache plugin problem to me. I see that you have disabled WP Super Cache but it is possible that some aspect of it remains and interferes. You can try to reinstall Quick Chat by deleting from WP plugins list but It doesn’t look like QC is causing this especially if it worked before.

  21. Doug

    Hi Marko
    I have found that when say user (A) logs onto WP and uses QC everything works as expected. However when user A logs off and user (B) logs on to WP and uses QC the previous user’s alias (A) is still used – the quick_chat_loggedin_alias cookie does not get updated because the test is only that it is set – not for if the current user has changed.

    Does this make sense and is my explanation is correct?

    Unfortunately I can’t show you on my site because I am testing this on an intranet.

    Many thanks for a very useful plugin.

    Best regards, Doug

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Doug,
      good observation, what you wrote here is totally true. In the next version I can connect logged in user cookie to user id so this behavior would be eliminated. This can be done by ether saving WP user id into cookie with existing name or even better to make WP user id part of cookie name. I don’t have a lot of time right now but expect next version soon. Thank you very much for your report, I really appreciate it 🙂

    1. Marko Author

      I see that your English is a little weak, but that isn’t a problem. You can find instructions on how to use Quick Chat on Quick Chat FAQ and use Google Translate to translate usage instructions. Good luck!

      Google Translation to Indonesian:
      Saya melihat bahwa bahasa Inggris Anda agak lemah, tapi itu tidak masalah. Anda dapat menemukan petunjuk tentang cara menggunakan Quick Chat di Quick Chat FAQ dan gunakan Google Translate untuk menerjemahkan instruksi penggunaan. Harap Anda beruntung!

  22. richard

    Minor issue… I’m using Quick-Chat as a page in WordPress but would like to use smaller font so it all fits nicely within the screen and has more than 4 or 5 lines as happens when using the default font size… great little plug in,,,

    How do I change the fonts size… thanks

    1. Marko Author

      Hi you can control Quick Chat appearance using CSS by editing quick-chat.css file inside css folder. You need to know a bit of CSS but I’ve added comments to quick-chat.css file so it shouldn’t be hard to find what you need to change.

  23. SB

    Hi Marko,

    Thanks for the great plugin. I have a question though. “How to display the users’ gravatar in the userlist container, instead of their names?”. Thanks in advance for your help.

    1. Marko Author

      Hi SB,
      this isn’t very complicated to do but would require modification of Quick Chat code. You can contact me using contact form and we can work something out if you need this feature implemented. Thanks for the idea 😉

  24. Petra Elisabeth

    Dear Marko!
    I love your Quick Chat and use it with friends of my side -daily. But at the moment it is not possible to delete the conversation. I always get the message ” You must select at least ….. ” Could you give me an advice.
    With alle the best and greetings from North Germany
    Petra Elisabeth

    1. Marko Author

      Dear Petra Elisabeth,
      to delete messages you must select checkboxes beside messages you want deleted and click delete. If this is what you are doing and it isn’t working then this is problem and it should be explored?

  25. Sharayu

    Hello Marco,
    I tried installing the latest version of Qucik chat.
    The wordpress is also upgraded to 3.2.1
    But the Quick chat is not working properly.
    It is not displaying the names (it takes the the guest names itself and not taking the one that are newly typed or inserted.)
    Also, the chat is not working, the browser needs to be refreshed to see the chat.
    Please let me know where might be the problem.

    Thanks in advance,

    Sharayu Patil

    1. sharayu

      Hello Marco,

      I tried installing Quick chat latest version with WordPress 3.2.1
      I found out that the chat is working fine only for logged in users properly while for the guest users, the Chat does not appear as well the guest user cannot change their name (it keeps in checking mode). But when a registered user tries to use the chat it works properly.
      May I know some where should I be looking into. Please give me some pointers. (I have added the quick chat as a widget in the sidebar.)

      Thanks in advance,

      Sharayu Patil

      1. Marko Author

        there are many things to go wrong. You should post your site link if that is possible so I could take a look when I find time. First thing you need to check is are you using caching plugins (QC doesn’t support those for now) and what jQuery version is your site using. You can find out both by looking at you site source using your browser.

  26. Joey Haire

    The enter button does not work on my website to send a message. It takes it to the next line of the text box instead. Is there anyway to fix this? I have enabled the page public for a few. blogurp.com/chat

  27. Jamie

    Hey Marko,

    I’m liking the look of your plugin for our Community Radio Website. I really need to have Moderators though and I can’t give them Admin access. Is there any way to allow other member groups moderate the board?

    While I’m here, the “Showtime” plugin doesn’t play with QC. It mucks up other plugins too so I guess it’s the old JS problem.

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Jamie,
      right now only admins can moderate chat. QC code can be modified to allow other users groups to administer chat but it requires some of my time to do this modifications. If you really need this feature you can contact me using contact form 😉

      1. Jamie

        Thanks Marko,

        We’re looking at another option as well (although I’m voting for QC) so knowing it can be done is enough just now. I’ll have a look at the code myself and give you a shout if we need more help.

        Thanks, Jamie.

  28. gebru

    hi marko
    could u tell me what is the uses of quick chat I wanna know what is quick chat and I want to be a memmber of this

  29. Han

    Hi Marko, I’m using your plugin and it works like a charm.

    I have one question about admin-ajax.php and CPU usage of the hosting server. Currently I have got message from the hosting company that my hosting is consuming too much CPU load by ‘POST type admin-ajax.php’
    I’m using the latest version of WP so I don’t think I’m experiencing admin-ajax.php excessive hits problem, which is fixed now.

    So.. I searched the whole plugin’s source codes and found quick chat is the only one that uses admin-ajax.php. (I’m using sidebar quick-chat)
    I heard yesterday 2 IPs are blocked by hitting admin-ajax.php 200 times for 4 seconds,, and now my site’s admin-ajax.php hit is every once a second though there are not much people visiting my site. 30 guests per hour or so..

    I got a question, is there a normal request to call admin-ajax.php every once a second? And how does it work? Is it related to refresh time?
    Sorry for asking too much. I really want to keep this plugin so asking you if there’s a way to effectively handle this.

    1. Marko Author

      Hi Han, this is the thing. Default Quick Chat configuration with 1s message refresh time and 15s user list refresh time can be very hard on your server if you have a lot of visitors. This is the admin-ajax.php part you are mentioning. Web is server client environment and there is no way to notify clients of incoming message besides clients pooling server periodically in one way or the other. This can become problem if you run Quick Chat in sidebar because sidebar is shown to every visitor of your site. Right now I’m in process of doing partial rewrite to tackle this issue by making Quick Chat compatible with caching plugins and doing some other optimizations. I’ll also reconsider removing some of the less useful features to make it little lighter on server resources. But even then you will need to adjust timings based on your server performance and number of visitors. So go ahead and increase timings from your Quick Chat administration panel and your server will feel much better. I currently run Quick Chat with 2s for messages and 45s for user list update interval. Also consider to display sidebar chat only to logged in users and hide it for guest users. Good luck!

      1. Han

        Hi Marko, thank you for the kind reply. I really appreciate your suggestion. It will be a lot help!

        Sorry to ask again but could you enlighten me about the plugin shown to logged in user.
        As I know we currently don’t have that option that guests cannot view the chat log. so i’ve been using your plugin with this code added,(check if user logged in in the quick_chat function..) but not sure if this code blocks guests’ pooling server fundamentally, or just blocks the view of the guests while CPU usage is not reduced.

        quick-chat.php :: line:1307
        function quick_chat(...........
        if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
        return "You must login if you want to participate in chat.";

        Thanks for the very appropriate developments, I once made a request to consider using cookies in the sound toggle, and it really works well now and all my site members are 120% satisfied.
        I wish best luck to this plugin!

        1. Marko Author

          Hi Han,
          Quick Chat has the ability to remain totally hidden for specified group of users. This option turns all processing for these users and it it best for your purpose. At the end of Quick Chat FAQ you’ll find following Q &A:

          • How do I specify user groups (logged in, guests) that will be able to see my chat room when chat room is embedded using Quick Chat shortcode?
          • How do I specify user groups (logged in, guests) that will be able to see my chat room when using Quick Chat sidebar widget?

          Good luck!

      2. Han

        Sorry to bother but I have one more question..

        What about I set the time setting like this?
        refresh time : every 10 seconds
        when a user make a chat : previous chat logs which are made less than 10 sec ago are shown at once?

        We have less than 20 users using online chat at the same time, so I wonder if this could be a problem.

        1. Marko Author

          If you set 10 seconds for message update time server will be polled every 10 seconds and will deliver all messages that arrived since last poll event. It works the same for any number of users, but every user is doing his own periodic polling.

    1. Marko Author

      Hello Sam.
      “User name taken” is shown when there is already user with specified chat name inside current chat room or when you try to take existing registered user login name if “Protect registered users user names from being used by other users” dashboard option is enabled. Keep in mind that most restrictions like this don’t affect admin users.

  30. Andrea

    First of all, thanks a lot, this chat is awesome.
    Well, I’ve replaced the default sound with another file, as you explained above. I’ve uploaded the ogg, mp3 and wav file but it doesn’t work, I can’t hear nothing.
    So I tried to upload your default files but still they don’t work at all. What’s happened? And why my file doesn’t work? Any idea how to fix this? Thank you 🙂

    1. Marko Author

      Hello Andrea,
      did you remember to rename your sound files into “message-sound.ogg”, “message-sound.mp3” and “message-sound.wav” because these are file names Quick Chat is expecting to find?

        1. Marko Author

          If your files are encoded right and if your browser is modern and HTML5 enabled it must work. There is no special magic behind message notification, Quick Chat just looks for “message-sound.xyz” files and your browser plays them if they are playable. What browser did you use to test? Did you try in some other browser?

          1. Andrea

            Well, it seems to work again now, with default files. Maybe there were some problems with Firefox and Chrome under Ubuntu Natty.
            Don’t know why, but now it works. I’ll try again uploading new files: any info to configure the encoding?
            I’ve used Audacity and the mp3 file has been encoded to 44khz and 192kpbs. Should I encode it to 128k?
            Thanks again for your help and your work 😀

            1. Marko Author

              Yes bitrate could get in the way, you should try with 128k if I remember correctly that I’ve coded default sound file with 128k bit rate. Thank you for your interest in Quick Chat cheers!

  31. Hammer

    Hi wonderful plugin! Is it possible to show new messages at the top instead of at the bottom? Also is it possible to show the user avatar if they have one instead of gravatar?

  32. Jamie

    We’re delighted with the custom edits Marko has made to Quick Chat for our Community Radio Station. After some last minute testing, the chatroom will be going live on Monday 10th Oct.

    Marko was a pleasure to work with. Quick return of code and put up with the goal posts being moved too. All that PLUS fantastic value!!

    Thanks Marko – we really appreciate it.

    Check out our Chatroom (from Monday) at http://eastlothianfm.co.uk

    Jamie 🙂


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