Quick Count is released under GPLv2 license.
Quick Count is my second WordPress plugin (visit Quick Chat page if you want to try my WordPress chat plugin). My goal with Quick Count plugin was to keep user interface similar to existing popular "who is online" plugins but to make it technically much simpler and faster because current code doesn't use any PHP/Javascript framework or library except jQuery.
Here are some of the features of Quick Count WordPress plugin:- New in v3.00: Quick Count now keeps track of visitors history
- New in v3.00: Add interface to review visitors history log
- New in v3.00: dd interface to review visitors history country statistics (requires Quick Flag)
- Add PHP caching WordPress plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache compatibility (See FAQ for more)
- Add support for Quick Browscap WordPress plugin to display visitors browser and operating system information in user friendly way
- Add interactive visitors map supporting zoom functionality for displaying visitors count per country graphically, requires Quick Flag plugin
- Avoid losing CSS customizations after Quick Count update (See FAQ for more)
- Graphical way to display user count by country using visitors map for shortcode and admin dashboard subpage display, requires Quick Flag plugin (see FAQ for more)
- Add support for Quick Flag WordPress plugin to display country flag icons next to visitors IP address (see FAQ for more)
- Translating Quick Count into your language is easy using Quick Count online translation interface
- Supports plain PHP placement into template, shortcode, sidebar widget and admin dashboard widget
- Can display total number of users online, most online users ever, number of users online per user group (Administrators, Subscribers, Bots or Visitors) as well as user names in every group.
- Can display detailed list of users with information about users status (Administrator, Subscriber, Bot or Visitor), IP address, current URL, referrer and web browser agent is also supported
- Has its own dashboard page with detailed info about every user online
- Requires at least: WordPress 3.0
- Tested up to: WordPress 3.4.2
- Current version: Quick Count 3.00
You can find up to date installation instructions on Quick Count installation page.
You can find up to date FAQ on Quick Count FAQ page.
You can find up to date change log on Quick Count changelog page.
Your translations
One of the ways to help spread Quick Count is by translating it into your language or updating existing translation by translating untranslated strings. To make it easier for you to translate Quick Count to your language I've configured Quick Count online translation interface using open source application named GlotPress. Using GlotPress hosted on you can translate Quick Count into your own language without the need for any additional tools. My plan is to download translation files before every Quick Count release and include them into official Quick Count package. This way your translation files will be available to you and to all Quick Count users right out the box.
To keep translation files free of spam, before you are able to translate you need to register for user account. Then you can log into Quick Count online translation interface using the following link:
Your donations
Quick Count is open source web application created by single person and released under GPLv2 license. This means that you can use or even modify Quick Count free of charge. Open source development and user support for my WordPress plugins takes at least few hours of my every day so if you find Quick Count useful you can donate to help it's development. Thanks in advance.
Your feedback
Your feedback would be very appreciated. If you discover any bugs please describe your problem here or using contact form and I will do my best to resolve it. Feature requests and comments are also welcome and I will try to fulfill any feature requests.
Quick Count stable version
Quick Count is hosted by official WordPress plugin directory so that is where you can get it:
I LOVE this plugin, I have been searching for weeks! BUT, I have tried everything I know to get it to work. Nothing ever displays except the title and credit line. I have tried PHO code in a PHP plug in and directly in a page.
I CAN see everything perfectly in my admin dash, and sub panel for Quick count.
Problem is, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to put just the flags/count just above the LIVE TRUCKCAM image on my left sidebar.
sidenote, also tried just the prefab QC widget, nothing.
I have also tried short code (short and long version) in a page and sidebar. Nothing at all (except the title and credit line)
I have run out of ideas since I do not see any info in the FAQ or support page about this. One time, I did get a “IP data does not exist inside the database…..”
I installed Quick Count on our website’s right sidebar( inside the Secondary Widget Area – Twenty Ten theme of WP) but I can see just the diplay of italian visitors and italy flag and not forein visitors and flags as i would like. I installed Quick flag too.
it is possible that your visitors IP address is not inside Quick Flag database but it would be strange if it happens for all non italian users. Can you run some of your visitors IP address that doesn’t have country flag trough here:
This is GUI for database Quick Count is using. If this GUI shows country for some IP and Quick Count isn’t could you please post this IP here so I could debug? Thanks
Hi Marko,
I clicked on your link and and I saw my IP adress and other informations. I post you the webside link adress:
now you can see the display flag results.
Many thanks for your replay
Hello I’ve visited your site and my country flag appeared just fine, here’s screenshot:
This means that Quick Count is working fine. You are seeing only Italian flag because your site is written in Italian language, thus it attracts mostly people from Italy.
Hi Marko,
thanks for your replay. I saw your flag! If I have understood Quick Count plugin reads the language used on the website and not the IP address that is coming in from the visitors. Quick Count is a progressive visitors counter too?
Thanks again
This is how it works. There is one guy who made open source program (available here) that has the ability to create database linking IP addresses all around the world to country name where thos IP addresses are used. Quick Count uses this database trough my other plugin Quick Flag to detect visitors country from his IP address. Then it does all what other “who is online plugins” do like count users currently viewing your site but it also shows country names and flags for all users. For detailed view you can go to your admin Dashboard -> Quick Count sub page where you have nice world map.
The fact that your site is written in Italian means that not many Chinese or Russian people will read it because they most probably don’t read Italian. Because of that your site is visited mostly by people from Italy because they do read Italian and search Google or similar search engines for Italian words, that way are likely to end up on your page and you will probably see only Italian flags on Quick Count.
Fatal Error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM in /home/shalomtv/public_html/wp-content/plugins/quick-count/quick-count.php on line 506
Hello, thanks for reporting. This error happens on PHP < 5.3. I do not have any server with older PHP versions to test so I must be careful when coding because PHP 5.3 introduced significant OOP changes. Long story short, I've released 2.02 version fixing this issue. Any problems report here
Thanks, You’re great!
thanks for this great plugin, i have one proplem kindly solve it. i just want to show the country flag with the number, how can i remove the country name and display as tool tip on mouse over
Hello. You’re talking about visitors map, and you wish to remove country name from tooltip, am I right?
thanks for the quick reply
i m not talking abt the visitors map i m speaking abt the country flag with the total number kindly visit this link and find the details
Yes this could be done but not without modifying Quick Count. If you want you hire me or donate something and I will modify Quick Count to work this way without problem.
no problem mr marko
tell me how much it may cost
It’s not a big job so it wouldn’t cost much. Can you please contact me using my contact form so I could give you an exact number.
Hi! Could you include a section in the admin page that tells you most users online by country? I mean, if there were visitors from a country anytime and how many. A record for every country.
Right now you have visitors map telling you exact number of visitors per country right now. I have beta version where I’ve added visitor statistics and history features besides watching currently online users if this is what you meant? Also are you interested in beta testing?
Yes, exactly that. A history that tells me users that were connected any time, and how many visitors per country in total (not how many connected).
And of course, I’ll be glad to help you. Please contact me at the email I provided you with further details so I can help you with whatever I can.
Thank you!
Great, I’ll prepare a package and contact you soon
Thank you! Check your email, please.

Hello. Your counter works great. I appreciate your hard work. I would like to use the counter to show the number of currently online visitors, but I do not want to use a widget Title. Is there a way to disable the widget automatically giving itself a title if none is entered? Thanks so much!
thanks. Sure there is a way. Just open widgets.php from Quick Count folder and find line (line 12 in 2.02 version):
Then replace this line with:
That would allow you to leave widget title empty. Good luck!
So simple and works well. Thank you much for the support!!
No problem Joe, enjoy!
How i display quick count on my wordpress site…Where I use the code to display it on my own website..plz quick rply…..
Hi, please take a look at Quick Count FAQ.
many thanks for your great plugin.
Just one problem: I would like to translate to German. Your interface doesn’t offer this language. How can I proceed without just modifying for myself?
With best regards
I’ve added German to the list, here you go CB:
Thanks and regards,
Hey Marko, I have a problem. I’ve been using your plugin happily for a couple months but Quick Count seems to have gone broken. It just sits there saying “Loading…” for anyone who comes to view my site. I’ve tried deleting all the plugin files and reinstalling the plugin but the error persists. I’m pretty certain that I haven’t added anything to my site since I installed it, so I’m not sure what caused it to break.
Already fixed it, it was a setting that I shouldn’t have enabled on the the W3 Cache plugin
First, let me congratulate you for your excellent program.
I only have two slight problems with it.
1) The names under the countries slide under the map. It might be because of my theme, but still worthy of a look.
2) Visitor cannot be translated. See link.
Yours sincerely,
first thanks.
Now the labels going under the map is probably due to your theme but I’ll look into it and I have some ideas how to prevent it. Visitor not being translatable is a bug on my part and I can’t make any promises but there will be new version soon to address these issues.
Thanks for your bug report
Thank you for your reply.
I would like to send you the Hungarian language files (mo, po).
Where can I send them?
Just upload it to dropbox or something like that and post links and I’ll import it to
Then it will be included in the next version.
Here is the link:
How do you delete the visitors log. Where is it located. I want to save it monthly and delete it.
this shouldn’t be necessary because you can choose time span using time picker when you view any data. If you really want to you can also use phpmyadmin to backup and then empty the wp_quick_count_users table in you WordPress database.
HI..I used Quick count in my website..every thing works great.
But after 2 days i can see the map and all on my a header saying as loading …How can i remove that..
i would like to translate in French. Could you add the french language to your interface please and let me know. Thanks
Hello etigo,
here’s the link:
My Quickcount dosn’t Work anymore? Can you explain me why?
It wouln’t Count my visitors.
I have installed Quick Count version 3.00 and it is showing only “LOADING…” text. I tried by re-installing it. But no luck. Can you tell me a quick solution?